Racist Karen Totally Upset About Inflation

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Racist Karen is totally upset about inflation and prices going up. Adrienne Lawrence discusses on Indisputable. Tell us what you think in the comments below.

18 replies
  1. two-four-five_Trioxin
    two-four-five_Trioxin says:

    Only stupid people will believe this BS narrative. They alleged a racist karen is upset about inflation and prices going up and then they call this Karen a xenophobe. Unless there was a printed disclaimer on a menu that she was handed, the prices on that menu should be honored. Sure this Karen is being a Karen but the underlying objection is valid.

  2. diane fisher
    diane fisher says:

    I live in the uk and we've got a Chinese at the top of our road and we've got one at the bottom of our road. We wouldn't think about treating them like this horrible racist woman! It's disgusting!

  3. stripe colors
    stripe colors says:

    This couple was ABSOLUTELY right in being angry with this waitress or whatever her position was, on the menu listing, the price of what they wanted was for one listing, but this waitress was charging an amount totally higher.

    If the price for what this couple wanted was higher, then the waitress, the restaurant or whomever it is that's in charge should have changed the menu of their listing prices. This couple had every reason to be angry and I would have been too.

    Sometimes, all of you out there, there are Chinese people and others, for the sake of them making up for their loss or being in the black, they would charge more, hoping that the customer would not catch on even after the customer asked the reasons why the price (s) is not what it states in or on the menu.

    "Indisputable" it doesn't matter what you say, this couple was right. With the economy the way it is, it is unaffordable for anyone to pay or dish out more than what someone is telling them to do, when the listing is saying and showing one price and this watress is saying something higher and totally different. It doesn't matter whether this restaurant has been in that location for some years or not. The issue is why would they charge a much higher price for something, where it's listed for lower. It's not the couple's fault, it's the restaurant fault for not changing the menu listing.

    If that had been a Chinese couple sitting there, arguing with a white waitress. The question is would you "Indisputable" be on the side of the white waitress? No, you would not, and why, it's because some of you Americans, not all, but some of you have this thing for the Chinese and you know it. I could go further but I won't.

    This couple thumbs up 👍 for you in being argumentive about this waitress charging you more, in-spite of what "Indisputable" or any others may or might have said, you are right. Don't allow the Chinese or any other race Americans get over on you because they feel that they can or must because they are lacking in something that IS their fault and they want you to pay for it. STRIPES

  4. SOPARA862k
    SOPARA862k says:

    It's fair enough to be angry that the price on the bill is higher than the menu, if prices have gone up print new ones and if you're waiting on them and need to increase the prices sooner than the waiting time for that change it with a sharpie but the xenophobic rant was definitely not ok.

  5. Nigel Baboolal
    Nigel Baboolal says:

    I think this channel needs to pick which videos they're going to cover better. Yea the customers attitude is horrible, but they aren't wrong about the menu issue. You can't give someone a menu with specific prices on it, and than charge then something else. It's a bait and switch and it's illegal.

  6. Brian Powell
    Brian Powell says:

    The woman was right to complain.
    If the menu wasn't showing the correct prices that's the restaurants loss.
    How long does it take to change prices on a menu?
    If you cannot be bothered to change prices on the menu, put up a board with items correctly priced in a prominent position.
    The price on a menu is the advertised price and to charge more is illegal and leaves the business open to being sued.

  7. ava gd
    ava gd says:

    Where was she in 1973 and the other times the prices of gas and oil were raised. She is another arrogant out of touch individual that blames inflation and high cost on people that are no way responsible.


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