Rachel (kinda) cooks for a day

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I kinda cooked for a day. As much as you can call some of this cooking, along with making Jun use the knife most the time Shrimp sandwich recipe: …

21 replies
  1. baywest
    baywest says:

    I think a lot of your videos don't really need to have a purpose. You guys are just living you life and for some reason I'm here for it. There's something about you guys just doing daily tasks and interacting with each other that just makes me feel at home….I mean I am home, but now I feel like I'm at home in my home and now I'm double homed up. Idk what I'm saying just thanks for the videos homies.

  2. Colleen M
    Colleen M says:

    CW// mentions of blood and minor bodily harm

    I definitely understand the "getting cocky while doing something you've done 1000 times before". In a college art class we were doing sculpture with something i forget the name of but it's like cardboard material except extra weight to it like the britol board of cardboard. Anyway used a box cutter with a brand new blade and cut straight down the top to bottom of my nailbed on my thumb. The kicker is i stayed in the room after class since it wasn't being used for the rest of the day so i was all alone. Wrapping it up in tissue paper got blood on the floor etc. and there were NO FIRST AID KITS in this art room where cutting tools and hot glue and sometimes abrasive adjesives are used. They didn't have them in an office down the hall either. I had to go to another building just to get some gauze and disinfectant. Luckily the wound healed with no scar. The blade was so sharp it didn't displace or catch on any skin or nail because it was so new. You wouldn't know looking at my thumb how badly my nail bed was sliced into it.


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