Quick & Easy Moroccan Couscous (Vegan)

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This delicious couscous is delicious, healthy and ridiculously easy to make. Use it as meal prep for the week, it stores really well in …

36 replies
  1. @m.f8655
    @m.f8655 says:

    I made this yesterday and instead of using chickpeas i threw the fucking dish out the window because that is not moroccan in the slightest. Just call it couscous, not Moroccan.

  2. @Ouisrishti
    @Ouisrishti says:

    I just made this for lunch with a little adjustment to the amount of spices In accordance to my Indian pallete and used hot oil. I absolutely fell in love with this recipe it has so much variation and flavour in every bite and yet it doesn’t feel heavy at all it’s very light,fulfilling ,vibrant and very fragrant too. Thank you !

  3. @bakir6937
    @bakir6937 says:

    And here am I, thinking that only Italians need anger management because of other countries, especially America, performing a masacre on their traditional dishes, but I think this one is even worse for the Moroccans. This is in no way shape or form Moroccan couscous, it is like making spaghetti by mixing instant noodles with heinz tomato ketchup and calling it traditional Italian Spaghetti. Just stop it


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