Quick bangers and mash | onion and Marmite gravy | Irish champ

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40 replies
  1. Gahlran's OnlyFans
    Gahlran's OnlyFans says:

    This meal is so simple and so iconic for me. As a kid the local pub restaurant would serve this and you'd get a mountain of mash with sausages sticking out of the sides and they'd make a well in the top and pour in the gravy like a volcano. It was always my favourite as a kid. Incredibly nostalgic

  2. H2Dwoat
    H2Dwoat says:

    Hi, I was with you until the marmite 🤢. It should come with a biohazard warning, I believe it’s made from the fungus growing beneath the devils toenails 👹.

  3. Bob Fortune
    Bob Fortune says:

    everytime you put meatless and sausage together i hope you bite your tongue! unsubscribing , sellout…ruining tradition with modern , usually very unhealthy fake food bull!@#$% heavy scorn here….boo Bring back Julia Childs Taste and class and FOOD not fakey

  4. Citinited
    Citinited says:

    What a delicious recipe! I made this earlier this evening and I loved it. Though instead of using plain water for the gravy,I instead used the water that the potatoes had boiled in. Free starch to help you thicken that gravy!

  5. John Delaney
    John Delaney says:

    I tend to use thicker cut onions in mine. They take about 20 minutes to caramelise but you are waiting on the potatoes to peel and cook so plenty of time and you get a deeper onion flavour.

    In the UK it is quite common to get various gravy powders. Usually just a combination of stock powder and thickener. Beef Bisto (TM) is my usual good to for this.

    Also, I squirt of tomato ketchup either in the gravy or on the side really helps.

  6. BillyTheKid
    BillyTheKid says:

    "There's great plant based sausages now"
    Well I lost a lot of respect, sir don't piss in my glass and call it lemonade. THERE ARE NO GREAT PLANT ALTERNATIVES TO MEAT.

    I've had impossible, etc, etc; eh. It'd edible, it's not as good.


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