Quick and Easy Chicken Cordon Bleu Recipe

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Welcome to a delicious journey of making Chicken Cordon Bleu, a classic dish that’s perfect for a gluten-free diet. This recipe …

12 replies
  1. @amber198483
    @amber198483 says:

    subscribed to you june 14th 1230am I was watching your gummy bear one omgosh so amazing also with the buckwheat pistachio crackers you're very creative thank you for the recipes. 🙂 also i liked the vids. <3

  2. @uhpenyen4291
    @uhpenyen4291 says:

    Ok, this video and your last video you are experimenting with your intro segments. I like it.
    I had my first Cordon Bleu last weekend, so this was a great video to be released! I look forward to giving this a try as I don't have the ham.

  3. @CosmicDiamond8789
    @CosmicDiamond8789 says:

    Thanks 🙏🏻🙏🏻so much for sharing Robin! I have not tasted/made Chicken Cordon Bleu in years. Yours looks very crispy & appetizing. Can’t wait to try this recipe. Maybe I’ll make these tomorrow for dinner instead of Chicken Fajitas. Thank you so much for sharing your recipes (and I do Love❤️Eggplant too) & tips. 🙏🏻🙏🏻God bless & watch over you.


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