Quick and Easy Cannabutter Recipe

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37 replies
  1. Nina Rubio
    Nina Rubio says:

    😮 I swear I use to make my edibles when I first started selling them now I decarb all the time but I feel like it doesn’t get me as high as when I used to do them 😮with out decarb TRY IT I PROMISE PROMISE YOU WONT REGRET

  2. A B
    A B says:

    You can do this and whatever you make will get you high. Just don’t over cook it. That’s when it’s less potent but if you have good weed as I hope a smoker would then what you make with it will get you right

  3. Jimmy Mcgill
    Jimmy Mcgill says:

    if your a regular smoker that's way too much butter for 1.5g, if your going to make edibles even with bud use atleast 3.5g and more than half the amount butter in this video! i use trim personally and can usually get near 2oz ground up into a 250g stick of melted butter, and add a small amount of water if too thick when you add the goods, you want to use enough butter to saturate and be able to strain enough out after but not so much that it's weak! 👌🏻

  4. Samuel Dzi
    Samuel Dzi says:

    I will never forget when I basically trashed out of the window 7 grams of good because our friend was vegan and we used the low fat vegan butter.. we were too naive in the day thinking the low fat solubility will still get us high😂


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