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keto #whatieatinaday #weightloss #inwithjen #fulldayofeating #groceryhaul Hey Friends, I am sharing a full day of eating KETO and Meal prep, vlog style!

9 replies
  1. Emily Ashline
    Emily Ashline says:

    We have been doing yard work and I painted a hall closet door tonight. I’m a sahm normally but it’s hard becuse of the unknown. Definitely stress eating. Trying to be mindful. Thanks for the video.

  2. The Dickinson Homestead
    The Dickinson Homestead says:

    Ooh I need to make some tuna!!! Haven’t had it in a while. With everything going on it’s been a little on crap what do we do? All our co ops have been canceled and we had plans to do museum stuff this weekend well that went out the dang window. So hopefully it keeps being warm so we can go swimming for some much needed sun! 💕💕

  3. Dawn Skeen
    Dawn Skeen says:

    Such a great video. Relating in so many ways, very blessed that my boyfriend and I still have our jobs. I work from home full time so just adjusting to the kids being home all the time. My daughter is a senior in high school its so sad to realize all the uncertainty in her life. Prom Graduation, college planning…I'm trying to stay keto, but struggling! I've been eating keto about 10 months amazing how this situation has just knocked me off the train! Ready to be back completely keto!

  4. Ken Jay
    Ken Jay says:

    Thanks for sharing! Stay positive and be cautious. I live in Texas and we are currently under a stay-at-home order. Only “essential” businesses are allowed to stay open. Most people are staying in their houses, except for grocery runs, exercising outside and minor errands. Many of my neighbors sit out in their yards grilling and drinking most of the daily.

    I currently have a daily regimen of two workouts. I go for a bike ride early in the morning and I do a crossfit bodyweight routine in the evening indoors. I watch at least two movies daily and I find two topics daily I research online which uses quite a few hours. I have no problems using up time without boredom. I also have a rolling list of household chores/projects as a filler.

    My eating schedule is the same as usual. I do 18:6 intermittent fasting daily with keto. I have two well balanced meals daily over six hours. I avoid fruit (except berries), starches, grains, sugar, soy, refined carbs and processed foods. I get my groceries delivered. I keep it simple so I do not have to over think it. Keep sharing and talking. Cheers!

  5. Yvette Bennett
    Yvette Bennett says:

    Thanks for sharing. We have been isolating since March 10th. My husband was laid off from Exxon Mobile last Friday on the 20th so now we have to live in this situation without an income so we can't even do any new smallmprojects because we have no income. It sucks. I feel like I am losing my mind with everyone home. I started a 1,000 PC puzzle in or travelmtrailor to escape the. Raziness in myhome. Lol….
    This is certainly testing my faith to stay focused on Him and trust in His provision.
    Stay safe Jen!


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