Q&A Hangout With Simnett Nutrition | Ask Us Anything!

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Grab a smoothie and hangout with us while we answer your questions on everything we can! Nutrition, health, veganism, meal ideas, building muscle, workout …

47 replies
  1. The Water Warrior
    The Water Warrior says:

    Hey Derek, as a high raw vegan who's just starting to lift, I'm really conscious of what i put in my body. Do you have a recommendation for a high quality/natural creatine supplement? I really dont trust any of the stuff you can buy in CVS…

  2. Ixtlander `
    Ixtlander ` says:

    Hey Derek. Not sure if you answer comments down here but I've just really been wondering, when you eat these high protein meals (and it seems like some days you eat multiple high protein meals), do you not feel any sort of burning or just a heavy bogged down feeling?
    I come from a fast food background, and have been trying to switch to all raw vegan, mostly fruit, for a few years. It's healed me a lot but I just really miss beans and cheese and stuff like that.
    I tried to eat a bunch of high protein stuff today and it went really well at first and then after the second meal I kind feel a burning sensation in my small intestine and maybe liver.
    I planned to eat this way today so I upped my metabolism by exercising a lot for a few days, and also had chinese bitters and raw ginger with both meals as well as a HCL tablet, and that helped with the first meal. I don't know. I just don't get it.

  3. Jim L
    Jim L says:

    Love your channel, watch regularly, and enjoyed this Q & A hangout episode. I am a male, and I must, however, disagree with you on your views on balding and male-pattern baldness. You think it's wonderful that when guys have thinning/balding or male-pattern baldness that they should then shave their hair off entirely. I, on the other hand, think men should embrace their baldness and get creative with the hair they still have and let it be. Look at celebrities like Larry David, or Sean Connery, or Allen Ginsberg, or Jason Alexander, or Mick Fleetwood, and so on. When I see guys who shave their head entirely due to their baldness, it's as if they're actually trying to hide their thinning/balding hair; it's like they're ashamed that they're balding, so they "hide" it by shaving everything off. But when I see men like the celebrities I just cited above, they come off as confident, as proud of their naturally bald appearance. So for the guys who have hair that's thinning or who have the male-pattern baldness, I say embrace it. Own it! Sport it with pride!

  4. Chloe Crawford
    Chloe Crawford says:

    Loved this live ❤ amen on the anti aging 🙌 aging is a privilege. I am lucky to be 33. My baby brother got 13 days on this earth so I am immensely aware of my privilege to get older. My grandmothers are also so incredibly beautiful to me and they have grey hair and wrinkles, same as my grandfather, he is so handsome to me. I think we need to reconnect the generations from older to younger and have those multi generational communities we are designed to live in.

  5. Michael B
    Michael B says:

    You’re still vegan? It’s not good it’s not healthy, you don’t look as vibrant as you did a few years ago when I was vegan. It’s not natural or normal for our bodies. Meat is something we’ve always eaten and keeps us sane and healthy

  6. DDPWE
    DDPWE says:

    Derek, it's called the placebo effect. All modalities provide some type of effect and it can be increased just by the person thinking they're going to get something out of it, like sugar pills or Reiki

  7. DDPWE
    DDPWE says:

    SHAVE IT! I started at 14, tried growing it out a little once and that was a very short amount of time hehe I haven't looked back and will never let my hair grow again, as it's SOOOO much better. Especially, with how cool it makes you feel.

  8. Lindsay Toussaint
    Lindsay Toussaint says:

    Wow I was really touched during the rant on anti-aging/ageism and hair. That resonated with me so much. I’m not a man but as a black woman hair is so important and tied to identity and how other people view us based off our hair has such an impact on how we’re treated, our esteem, etc. When you talked about the videos of guys shaving their heads and feeling relief etc I thought “omg that was me!” I did what we call “the big chop” during the pandemic because even though I loved my long hair I was finally sick of the maintenance, time, and energy – not to mention other people’s perceptions. Aaaaanyway to end a long story I’m loving my grays coming in and I wish more people would talk about accepting aging, vanity vs aging, and men and hair etc! Thanks for bringing that up!!

  9. circle square
    circle square says:

    Best compound exercise IMO is falling into bridge from standing position. Nobody really does it except teenage girls, probably because it's ridiculously hard esp. for a 30's male, but it's been super beneficial for my physique.

  10. Stacking Sats
    Stacking Sats says:

    Just discovered your channel a couple weeks ago, thanks to a friend! Just starting to transition my family over to vegan and you both have been so helpful 🙂 AND THE RAIN!! We were at Cathedral Grove yesterday and left looking like drowned rats. Totally worth it to be among the wise old women and grandfathers that are our old growth giants <3

  11. Dave H
    Dave H says:

    Ok! I like to watch you guy's and I'm going to watch this video right now BUT! I live in Bali and your video is preceded by a McDonald's drive-in ad 😂🤣😂 class

  12. Matthew Johnson
    Matthew Johnson says:

    LOL the Avant-Garde Vegan comment 😹 love your videos because it’s what I will eat every day, his are so pleasing to watch and make every once in a while! You are both fantastic YouTubers! ❤️

  13. Aaron Lawreszuk
    Aaron Lawreszuk says:

    Mic. the Vegan recently posted an excellent video about hair loss where he looked at studies comparing the risks and benefits of natural remedies such as rosemary oil vs traditional pharmaceutical options. Great info and definitely worth a watch. Really enjoyed this live and think you guys are both awesome! ❤

  14. Kin.
    Kin. says:

    Really resonate with what Derek and Crystal were saying about how we all have our piece to contribute to the bigger puzzle of vegan activism! Different types of content helped me at different stages of my vegan journey, sometimes it was very factual documentaries, sometimes emotiomal talks on the cruelty of animal agriculture, sometimes vlogs, sometimes recipes etc.. At the end of the day, we'll all be the best activists we can be by doing what we're good at and what we're passionate about. It will be the most sustainable for yourself, so you don't burn out, and your passion will make it more effective!

  15. evelyn baron
    evelyn baron says:

    I live in Toronto and I and my dog missed the live stuff but 65 and early MS and a small dog who thinks she's a either a rabbit or greyhound so we get an hour plus and don;t keep track and yr ideas are brilliant and heh Crystal !!!!!!!! My guy had a heart attack was in great shape 66 also our rescue cat died 18 yrs old and when it comes to education …. my Dad was amazing and a brilliant architect and I and my mum looked after him vr late onset alzheimers and vr grateful to be vegan …. re: education, do what you have to even in Canada but the best thing is never stop learning. Love you both.

  16. Shanna Stone
    Shanna Stone says:

    The US has community College, usually is for pre reqs, AA, etc. Then university for majors. But, you can do all at a university too. People often choose community to do pre reqs, because it's considerably cheaper than university. I love you guys, so inspirational, and cheerful attitudes, which is so hard right now, worrying about where our future is going!!


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