Q&A: Dr. Greger talks Vitamin Needs, Longevity, and Lowering Cholesterol

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Replay of Dr. Greger’s live Q&A on Thursday, March 28, 2024. Questions asked: 0:00 Introduction 0:20 For weight loss and …

23 replies
  1. @NutritionFactsOrg
    @NutritionFactsOrg says:

    Questions asked:

    0:00 Introduction

    0:20 For weight loss and longevity, do peanuts function as nuts or legumes? Which nuts or seeds have the highest concentration of plant sterols, to bring down LDL?

    1:25 Have you ever looked into modified citrus pectins?

    1:30 Does silica from fruit and vegetables boost skin and collagen and prevent buildup of AGEs? What is the most collagen-boosting vegetable, fruit, or plant?

    1:50 Are eating bamboo shoots a good way of boosting collagen?

    2:05 Should the government tax high saturated fat and cholesterol foods?

    2:30 Any tips to repopulate my gut flora after a course of antibiotics?

    3:18 Are there any health benefits you can get from coffee but not from green tea?

    4:06 Could you name all things I can do against seasonal hay fever?

    4:25 Any advice to help with sleep?

    5:05 Which vegetables or fruits can improve high blood pressure?

    5:37 What are your thoughts on echinacea extract and pelargonium root extract to kill high levels of streptococcus in the gut for my child?

    6:12 How much fat to have with each meal to get sufficient nutrition? Is eating soybeans, chickpeas, or soy milk that have added fat sufficient?

    7:25 How do you pressure cook beans without adding oil?

    7:57 What is the best diet for sarcoma with paravertebral invasion?

    8:56 I get all my vitamin needs with the Daily Dozen except for choline. Should I supplement?

    9:35 Are there any health issues associated with silicone cooking utensils?

    10:08 Is calcium supplement from algae better?

    10:45 Would you recommend statins for a person whose LDL was 190 for 20+ years?

    11:34 What is the gist on elm tree seeds?

    11:49 Is it necessary to restrict fats to combat diabetes?

    12:55 How do I fix my B12 deficiency?

    13:33 Do I need to worry about the pH value when making a DIY vitamin C/niacinamide serum for the skin?

    13:55 What specific blood markers could I track over time to see the improvements and stay more motivated?

    14:30 Can I take my iodine drops an hour after I take my thyroid meds when I eat my breakfast?

    15:10 Could you give your insight on the artificial sweetener sucralose?

    15:45 Are puffed grains unhealthy?

    16:11 Is aspartame and acesulfame potassium dangeorus?

    16:25 How to lower cholesterol on a WFPB diet?

    17:25 Where could I buy fennel vaginal cream or how can I do it at home?

    18:47 Can I roast nuts on a low temperature to avoid forming acrylamides?

    19:35 Can we eat too much protein from beans?

    20:10 I lost a significant amount of weight and then regained it. What can I do?

    20:50 Can you advise what my type-1 diabetic son should eat and not eat to prevent diabetes bone disease?

    21:55 How long to microwave mushrooms to make sure polyphenol oxidase is gone?

    22:54 What would you suggest for someone with reactive hypoglycemia? What causes it and what can be done about it?

    23:18 What are your thoughts about the NIH report on a study saying that spermidine can cause stroke?

    25:43 How do autophagy foods induce autophagy?

    26:30 Could you please explain Apo B and how it compares to LDL for atherosclerosis risk?

    27:30 Will you make a video about bakuchiol?

    28:35 If somebody ate a pure carnivore diet how long could they develop scurvy?

    29:40 If you have elevated liver enzymes can the liver heal if you drink non-alcoholic beer/wine?

  2. @danman3163
    @danman3163 says:

    If Dr Greger regrew some of his hair using the foods and rosemary from the nutritionfacts vids, I bet the hairloss-community on youtube would notice and perhaps eat a little better as a result. -Consider it!

  3. @kelvynmartin8688
    @kelvynmartin8688 says:

    I still find it hard to believe that you make people sea sick while walking on the walker. Tell them to only listen to the you tube and not look at you. You should be able to exercise when ever you want. TAek Care and thank you …Terri from Australia 🦘🇦🇺 💜

  4. @notrueflagshere198
    @notrueflagshere198 says:

    Search for studies with serum spermidine as opposed to dietary spermidine. There is also a study which mentions higher serum levels and MCI and Alzheimer's. There seems to be an enzyme which converts spermidine into spermine. Perhaps the health problems result from inadequate spermine rather than too much spermidine.

  5. @DazLarson
    @DazLarson says:

    I miss you on your treadmill, Dr. Greger! It was so kind and considerate of you to put the seasicklys first, but in my opinion they can just look away and still hear all of the information, so no need to sacrifice your exercise and the way it inspires many of us!You do you! 🙌🏻 Please oh please bring it back next livestream! 🙏

  6. @debstayblessed9549
    @debstayblessed9549 says:

    Dr. G needs to be walking on his treadmill. Why? Because it's his comfort zone. In answering one question he calls on Jesus! 😅 First time I've seen him to have stop drink tea…and forgetting his porcini mushrooms on and on…. doc get back on the treadmill!!!!

  7. @NoExitLoveNow
    @NoExitLoveNow says:

    Two things that are never really addressed is how hard it is to get the RDA of choline (you gotta eat a lot of cruciferous vegetables) or how much eating a healthy whole food diet blows through the RDA maximum of manganese (esp. if you are eating wild blueberries). He never says either don't worry about getting the RDA of choline or be sure to eat enough cruciferous vegetables to get the RDA. He never says don't worry about blowing through the RDA maximum for manganese, while eating according to his recommendations you will blow through that maximum a lot.

  8. @georgemarino434
    @georgemarino434 says:

    People are telling you to stop the treadmill walking during broadcast because its making them sea sick LOL. Give me a break!!! Tell them to toughen up and stop telling people what to do.


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