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teambroccoli #broccolibites #vegan Q & A Episode: 1361 My Amazon Store Front: https://www.amazon.com/shop/influencer-4787c71a?

13 replies
  1. Tracy N
    Tracy N says:

    Have you heard of the Office Ladies podcast? Angela Kinsey, and Jenna Fischer do recap and behind the scenes of every Office episode. They start with season 1 episode 1

  2. Amy T
    Amy T says:

    Omgosh you guys are so super cute in this video. I really enjoyed this video bunches. And if you don’t move to Cali, please don’t move anywhere else. Vegas is only 4 hours away, not several states away 💜

  3. Mosca Froglover
    Mosca Froglover says:

    Yaaaaasssss with the Studio Ghibli tats! I have Totoro and a Soot Sprite exactly on that part of my arm. Love the coffee house idea. I wanted a carwash and a storage company, lol. I also always have frozen broccoli on hand ☺️. This was a good vid guys, thanks for doing it 👍👍

  4. Grace
    Grace says:

    I'm glad that you are interested in your children learning about cooking. My mom didn't teach me. Of course she learned like I did from a cook book. Mostly because she lost her parents and she wasn't well. I did learn somethings from her! 😊


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