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We did a hilarious punny t-shirt reveal on this episode – complete with live voting! We also talked about salting food, savory …

34 replies
  1. aspetree
    aspetree says:

    Hi Dillion. Where in Costa Rica did you live and was it possible to eat cooked food that was oil and salt free in restaurants? I may be going to several different areas in Costa Rica and want some tips on eating out besides just getting salads

  2. buff barr
    buff barr says:

    Reebs, I think all men have those kind of shirts, as well as underwear, undershirts, and socks. Wear em with no elastic waist band, holes, underarm stains, stretched out necks until they fall off.🤣🤣

  3. Kim M
    Kim M says:

    These are all hilarious! I give 5 stars for “Head -Tomatoes-“ & “Give Peas A Chance” I love The Beatles & John Lennon. So “All YOU Need Is SPUD” would be better. So 4 stars for that one. 😉. 🥰. The Stroberry one – mmm…nah. -2.
    Jane & Ann Esselstyn pronounce it To-MAH-toes. Not To-May-toes

  4. Joan Asaad
    Joan Asaad says:

    Love the t-shirts! Frozen corn on cob- where have you been Dillon? Lettuce Romaine Calm is great! Glad to hear Reebs, that you didn’t give in to the chips calling you-had no idea you would have that since ya’ll are so into wfpb food!


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