Psoriasis and carnivore diet!!

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20 replies
  1. Mila Si
    Mila Si says:

    Being mostly carnivore, eating low antinutrients vegetables on occasion and avoiding gluten, being around smoking, nightshades and too much alcohol keep mine at bay. Carnivore is healing for the gut, all that causes leaky gut will make it flare up.

  2. Ban Parlous
    Ban Parlous says:

    I believe it. Meat-based Keto got rid of my scalp psoriasis in 6 months. Carnivore now, but something about carbs just does the nastiest unhealthy things to people.

  3. Bok Choy
    Bok Choy says:

    I am so thankful for those who share their personal stories and pictures. It is very motivating to see evidence of health restoration like this. I am curious to know if he has noticed any negative side effects?

  4. atlantamom21
    atlantamom21 says:

    My mother has psoriatic arthritis. She’s lived in pain for 50+ years. Severe pain as the arthritis has eaten away at her joints. She had a fusion in her neck and both big toes. She does the best she can to stay mobile (such a challenge when you’re in constant pain). She has never been a bad eater in the sense that she and dad do not eat processed foods, not a lot of sugar. She does not eat a lot of fruit, more veggies. She does eat red meat (her favorite protein in fact), but only a couple of times a week because it bothers her colon. For years, doctors implied that everything was in her head, it wasn’t until around a decade ago that a doc finally put a name to part of her suffering. One of the few times I can remember my mother crying. Someone believed her (even though the scams would ultimately defend her). She is now on her 3rd biologic. Not good.

    Again, thank you for the video.

  5. Bruce
    Bruce says:

    Carnivore dealt my psoriasis a hefty blow, BUT the final straw was sunlight. Without regular sun on my whole body it just didn't go fully away. Difficult in the UK but a sunbed every few weeks for 10 minutes was all that was needed in the winter when the real sun is hiding away!


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