Protein Sparing French Fries

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This recipe will blow you away!! French fries that are almost all protein! They are crunchy on the outside, soft on the inside and our boys absolutely love them!

28 replies
  1. Everything Nice 4 Dolls
    Everything Nice 4 Dolls says:

    I tried the French fries today for the first time and they were really good. They make a great snack. I am getting used to the flavor of the Primal Kitchen mayonnaise. I have always been a big Mayo fan ever since I was a little kid. And I was so picky about the brand. It had to be the kind with the lemons on the label. (Kraft) And I really like the Primal Kitchen ketchup better then any other sugar free ketchups.

  2. Susan Duplechin
    Susan Duplechin says:

    Bought _Protein Sparing__cookbook for my 80 year old mother for her birthday. We have both lost 4 lbs in 6 days. Carolina BBQ Sauce is excellent! We can't wait to talk to each other in the morning to find out if we continue to loose. Lost 16 lbs on lazy keto over 6 months. This is amazing! You are a Godsend! Thank you!

  3. OlderPennsylvanian-OP
    OlderPennsylvanian-OP says:

    Kai looks like he grew 6 inches in just a few weeks! Those fries look like a lot of fun, and I will be recommending your book to all the moms in my fellowship. I have the PSMF pdf and when the budget gets better I will be getting more. Thanks for all the great ideas. I have made the French Toast with the bread and it was lovely.

  4. Everything Nice 4 Dolls
    Everything Nice 4 Dolls says:

    I would love to get that cookbook sometime even though my kid is not much of a kid anymore. I wish that I had known about this way of eating when she was little. She had a really hard time feeding because she had to go to a children’s hospital when she was just hours old. She was on a tube for the first week of her life and when I brought her home she would aspirate on the milk. I couldn’t breast feed because I didn’t make enough milk. Then when she was able to go to more solid food, she would choke a lot on her food. That made her become a very picky eater as she got older. She’s 19 now and pretty set in her ways. But I would still like to get it because I like some kid foods too.

  5. Kelela Perovich
    Kelela Perovich says:

    Any concerns about overcrowding the pan? Also, I notice that my wonder bread has great texture and flavor, but it doesn't really absorb liquid, like bacon grease, "maple syrup", etc. The liquids float on top of the bread instead of soaking in. Does that mean that when frying, not much of the fry oil will get absorbed?

  6. pennypritty1
    pennypritty1 says:

    oh wow!!! I so want to make this but I can't get the bread recipe to work out right for me. It comes out both too airy and gummy… the texture just wouldn't work; I know I'm doing something wrong but I don't know what. I'm feeling devastated now with all these great recipes you're pulling from protein sparing. 🙁


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