Proper Human Diet Q&A with Dr Berry & Neisha!

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Got Low-Carb/Keto/Ketovore/Carnivore/Fasting Questions?? We are here for you. Invite a friend and let’s talk about the Proper …

29 replies
  1. DC Hobbs
    DC Hobbs says:

    Could you do a video of what might be expected in 30, 60, 90, etc… days into the carnivore diet? My wife are both 13 days in and already the positive changes are simply amazing. But we keep hearing with little detail, "wait until your 90 days in…"
    What can we expect, say in the first 6 months?
    I am very amazed that I've had no food fatigue, this is what I thought would be the downfall of this WOE.
    Thank you Dr. Berry you're the best!

  2. Danny Jr
    Danny Jr says:

    Thanks for the Q&A. Looking out for the ferritin information. I've been giving a pint of blood monthly due to an overload of ferritin. I had a test of 4k level because of multiple blood transfusions during Leukemia treatment. Currently down to a ferritin level of 1,200.

  3. Gregarious Antithesis
    Gregarious Antithesis says:

    Just got back my 6 month blood labs and was disappointing in some things one my uric acid was high, 8.1 and my urea nitrogen bun was high 20 snd my bun creatine was high 21.9 both indicate impaired kidney function probably all high because my high protein diet. Still have low vit D and folate eating greens and walking without a shirt in the sun 3-4 days a week. The good news im no longer pre diabetic was hoping for an A1C that more closely matched my meter average around 90 but it was 5.4. My c peptide was good at 2.1 snd my HDL/Trig ratio 131/59 was 2.2, c reactive protein 0.5. So no eating mostly or only meat is not a miracle diet and i would recommend if you are reading this get your labs done and watch your kidney function and uric acid.

  4. Mona K
    Mona K says:

    Is it alright to use lemons, limes or sour cream and cooking wines or seasonings with 1g of sugar or 1g of carbohydrate on meats for the carnivore diet?

  5. collineare collineare
    collineare collineare says:

    DR Berry:
    Pertaining to discussion/two questions:
    – Wouldn't a consistent carnivore diet make the coronary calcium scan and most other tests somewhat obsolete – except for obvious problems?
    – Some say the coronary calcium scan isn't easy on the kidneys. What say you?

  6. Rebecca Wells
    Rebecca Wells says:

    As time goes by, I am becoming more and more sensitive to spices, they really turn me off these days. Chili…smoked meat, these are starting to get to me. I'm starting to just want meat with almost no spice or salt. I try to do Redman's, yum the smoked salt, but my buds are really sensitive to everything. Arkansas the natural state!

  7. Rebecca Wells
    Rebecca Wells says:

    Had my first laugh and endorphins of the day within the first 3 minutes of this vlog! You're so amusing Dr. Berry…gotta love it…DUDE! Pretty discouraged this morning as I have gained 4 LBS!!!!!!! last week despite my best efforts! My blood sugar dailies are better than ever, fasting at 115, hour after eating lunch 89, but I want the scale to move darn it!

  8. Theresa Marchiano
    Theresa Marchiano says:

    I have a sick small Yorkshire terrier. Anything she eats she gets belly troubles!! I was cooking her food but was told it wasn’t enough and to add supplements from Dr. Becky . If I do she gets itchy and licks constantly. Can she eat a just cooked meat diet? Please tell me what you feed your little pooch. I’ve asks numerous YouTubers and not 1 has bothered to answer this question 🙋‍♀️
    Thank you ,
    I’m fairly new to your channel and I love your work and your beautiful family 🙋‍♀️


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