Professional Chef Brad Leone Solves Culinary Crimes

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35 replies
  1. @leftylebeast5665
    @leftylebeast5665 says:

    With the wording of the 3rd recipe, I feel like they served kale and sausage separately, and that served with or before the pie makes the family tradition. Like “the fish was great, with some white wine and some asparagus I’d have it everyday!”

  2. @Diglia
    @Diglia says:

    i was completely with angela that whole barbecue deal. asking if the tradition of having a barbecue originated because this sauce got so popular, or did the sauce get invented because hosting cookouts was popular and then those cookouts got called “barbecues”?

  3. @alexmacdougall5700
    @alexmacdougall5700 says:

    No no, Brad totally tripped Angela up about the BBQ sauce question. Totally valid question. BBQ sauce probably did come first it just didn't have the name yet. Like it's just a sticky sweet sauce for meat. Then it got stylized to compliment a smokier cooking process.


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