Professional Baker Teaches You How To Make HONEYCOMB!

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Learn how to make the easiest kind of toffee (also known as Honey Comb)! Subscribe for more video recipes: Ingredients 1 ½ (22 ml) Tbsp …

50 replies
  1. Cookie Nibz
    Cookie Nibz says:

    WARNING: I made this recipe & it is wonderful BUT, may I suggest having 2 9X13 ready! It made a huge mess! Or Maybe ½ the recipe. It swelled & collapsed my parchment paper and spilled out everywhere!Tastes great, but this mess will be insane to clean up!

  2. angelfromhellshawna
    angelfromhellshawna says:

    I had never even heard of Honeycomb until recently I happen to see Barry Lewis make it in one of his videos. I knew I had to try it!! I looked it up on Amazon…in the UK it was called a Crunchie…and in Australia it was called Violet Crumble…I ordered them both. They tasted almost exactly the same. I've never seen or heard of a candy bar like this here in the US. They were so very yummy! Thank you for making it possible to try to make our own!!!!

  3. JIJI
    JIJI says:

    Hey ,as I don’t have a thermometer, how can I test to see if it is up to 140 degree Celsius and 150 degree Celsius?
    Can’t wait to start cooking

  4. Tifa Chirulescu
    Tifa Chirulescu says:

    I just made this and as a Brit I will tell you this is reminiscent of Violet Crumble or Crunchie if you coat it in chocolate. And although she did omit vanilla I did add a splash along with the honey and it's absolutely divine.

  5. Tifa Chirulescu
    Tifa Chirulescu says:

    I just made this and as a Brit I will tell you this is reminiscent of Violet Crumble or Crunchie is you coat it in chocolate. And although she did omit vanilla I did add a splash along with the honey and it's absolutely divine.


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