Professional Baker Teaches You How To Make FRUIT CAKE!

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Classic Holiday Fruit Cake is on the menu in Chef Anna Olson’s amazing kitchen, and she is going to teach you how to make this delicious recipe from scratch!

42 replies
  1. Madhushree Vijayakumar
    Madhushree Vijayakumar says:

    Candied mixed peel 🦢
    Rasins 🦷
    Cherries 🦊
    Prunes 🚇
    Candied pineapple 🐮
    Currants 💐
    Crystalline ginger 👩‍🚀
    Orange zest 👩‍❤️‍👩
    Lemon zest 🦝
    Brandy 🎂
    Orange juice 🌀
    Butter 🦪
    Dark brown sugar 🧽
    3 eggs 🎆
    Grounded almonds ⚓
    All purpose flour 👩‍💻
    Baking powder 📖
    Salt 🎏
    Brandy 🐠

  2. CH H
    CH H says:

    Hello Anna, may I know why you do not line your baking tin with baking paper (as some recipes even recommend 2 layers and another layer on the outside of the tin.). With the high sugar content, wouldn't the cake get burnt easily ?

  3. Alex
    Alex says:

    I'm confused about your flour measurements in all your recipes. 1 cup of flour is 120g, 2 cups is 240g, but your recipe says 300g. Can you please clarify, thanks.

  4. kriti diwan
    kriti diwan says:

    Hi Anna,
    I tried your recipe and I am in awe! My cake tastes great.
    But very slight bitterness is there in it. I made 1/3rd the recipe, used dark rum and was careful while adding zest too(no pith added). I did rinse my candied fruits before soaking to avoid excess sugar from those. Would you be able to point out if there is something obvious that went wrong?

    The cake is very moist, soft and not at all dry. But it didnt get the dark color as yours😔. Nevertheless, its difficult to cut a neat slice of it. It's kind of falling apart after slicing. Any pointers here too will be very helpful..

    Plz advise.
    Thanks a lot
    Kriti – India

  5. sidney armstrong
    sidney armstrong says:

    Could I use dates instead of figs? I went crazy grocery shopping and bought a couple bags of dates that I need to use up. I already have a recipe for toffee pudding I am going to try so I can use up some of the dates.

  6. T Tee
    T Tee says:

    this is very expensive pie. and would give me diahrea. so much dried fruit in a pie. wow too much. and i didnt taste it. i would not make this considering these issues. but i wouldnt mind tasting. im sure its good if i tried. just so many drawbacks. never mind soaking the fruit. ill pass this one. i love your way of baking and wanna try many things. i dont use butter in baking. and wonder if margaring can be sub in any baking? dont ask why i dont use butter. i have an allergic child.

  7. Alexia Lee
    Alexia Lee says:

    I've done this style of cake but I prepare it on November and keep it in the fridge. Every week or every 3 days I add a little more brandy so by Xmas Eve it has reached such a sweet and intense flavor but in a good way. It tastes amazing!!! Now I'm curious if all that effort is in vain and I just had to follow your steps 😆 thanks for the recipe!!! 💟💝

  8. Vasugie Subramaniam
    Vasugie Subramaniam says:

    Hai Anna merry Christmas , now Anna I love baking but unfortunately never ever baked one to everyone ' s satisfaction , to the he extent I stopped baking though I have followed your cooking bake with Anna Olson ,but after viewing your Christmas cake recepi every step by step baked it when I was alone OMG Anna not a single soul in my family believe it but I did took some pictures while I was working, my god hugs, kisses, praises and my all that was my this year's Christmas 🎄 gift all because of Anna tq.

  9. Athena F
    Athena F says:

    Hi Anna. If I want to reduce the quantity of dried fruits being used, should the quantity of the orange juice/ sherry used to soak the fruit, also be reduced proportionally ?


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