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PRODUCTIVE DAY OFF! 🤩 COSTCO HAUL PACKING FOR A TRIP COOK WITH ME Thank you so much for watching! Today I am sharing my productive …

23 replies
  1. Jen Chapin
    Jen Chapin says:

    PLEASE keep in mind this video was filmed at the beginning of March, before all of the COVID-19 restrictions went into place.

    Yes we are staying home as I write this. No I am not going on a trip currently. No my kids are not in school right now. Thanks ❤️

  2. I S L A N D B A B Y
    I S L A N D B A B Y says:

    In your childhood photo, your face could be Connor's twin! I hope you guys are staying safe! I just read that the Cincinnati Zoo is offering daily "home safaris" on Facebook Live at 3 pm EST daily. They will introduce a new animal each day as if you are touring the zoo in person. Maybe your kids would enjoy watching that while they are stuck at home.

  3. Kristen Evans
    Kristen Evans says:

    Why do people ask silly (stupid) questions. It’s like they’re baiting you or something. I think a budget minded video on how you can squeeze every freaking penny out of your grocery budget is called for. I’ll give you one of my tips, for lemons I actually zest every one and freeze zest in cling wrap 2 lemons at a pack and then put my cling packets in a freezer zip bag. I also juice all the lemons and freeze that in ice cube trays that I pop out and freeze in a zip bag. I use zest in baking, lemon scones are the best and I make a lemon cream-cheese pound cake my family always requests for any gathering. Hope you’re all well. Take Care.

  4. Becky Wagner
    Becky Wagner says:

    THANK YOU for trimming the ends of your haricots vert! I don't like those little stems on my green beans and my husband thinks I'm weird that I think they should be cut off. 🙂

  5. Dee B
    Dee B says:

    Your son is so cute and I loved his superhero shirt. My brother and i were both tall kids and are parents had trouble finding us clothes that fit well. Hang in there

  6. Lady Dy
    Lady Dy says:

    If your husband is like mine he may wash the produce but the question is it is clean enough to eat with a quick rinse under the faucet which is his idea of cleaning it.

  7. Lisa
    Lisa says:

    Murphy is like my pup . at my feet all day long. It's so funny how they know your leaving too. Start packing and shes alll over me. lol

  8. Kelly Schweighart
    Kelly Schweighart says:

    Love your videos💜 thank you for always sharing great content and recipes that motivate me to to cook. I’ve been following for awhile and you have gotten me through some tough moments. My Momma passed away Dec 27 and my ❤️ has been broken but I enjoy my days a little more because of you. Thank you so very much. You are true inspiration and an Angel on earth. I really admire how you handle everyday life. 😀

  9. Lee Ann Cappiello
    Lee Ann Cappiello says:

    Jen, honestly… you provide a bit of normalcy in this difficult situation, as well as a sense of community and communication. Watching your videos makes me feel like I’m getting a visit from a friend. Thanks!


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