Processing Backyard TURKEYs | It's a Grind šŸ¦ƒ

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Turkey Season is upon us. While we didn’t take you guy along with us, when we “did the deed” and harvested the birds themselves – there’s still a TON of work …

27 replies
  1. Susie. Goodwin
    Susie. Goodwin says:

    Sounds like you got your finger bent back… It could be dislocated, or the ligaments were strained and now they are swollen. Go to the doctor and let them do a physical exam; if they are unsure, they'll x-ray it. But either way it's not going to heal right on it's own. You'll need prednisone to reduce the swelling. It will be weeks if not months before that finger bends properly once treated. But it certainly will feel a lot better.

  2. Cityof Oaks
    Cityof Oaks says:

    We eat a LOT of ground turkey. When I make turkey burgers I add a little oats (I grind it to somewhere between rolled oats and what you'd find in a packet of instant oatmeal). Sometimes I'll add an egg but not usually.
    I use ground turkey for spaghetti sauce, taco/nachos, eggroll in a bowl (along with some ground pork). Basically anything that most people would use ground beef for. For some reason I don't like ground beef anymore.

    I really hope that your finger gets better soon.

  3. Shannon Jones
    Shannon Jones says:

    Rachel go to the doctor! If it's broken and dis-placed they can straighten it and set it. You don't want to lose function in your hand if it could be prevented! Love your videos keep up the good jobšŸ˜

  4. Catherine Jones
    Catherine Jones says:

    Man you guys are so brave! I love how you live. Tod, I know Americans struggle on how to pronounce worcestershire, Aussies say it like ā€œwish-de-sheerā€. I am sure the Britts say it slightly different. Bloody tasty stuff tho šŸ¤£

  5. meinschatz26
    meinschatz26 says:

    Great idea skinning the turkeys. I was impressed with how well your grinder went on the small setting only. I tried it once on my hand operated one. It didnt go well. It clogged up too quickly. Lesson learned though so thats a positive. Hope your finger gets better soon Rachel. Good on the young lad for coming down to watch/learn. So many kids these days just dont have an interest in seeing how things operate on a homestead. I think itā€™s a good for them to see from garden/paddock to plate. Sure makes me appreciate my harvest more I can tell you that much.

  6. Lori Y
    Lori Y says:

    Sorry about your Turkey finger, bind up the finger Rachel or you will end up with major pain in your finger in future years. I think you should go see the Dr. and make sure the finger is set properly. I say this from the heart. Be well, Amen…

  7. Tdew DN
    Tdew DN says:

    Doctors will do the finger buddy system. Velcro the top of the finger and its buddy together at top and bottom and wear it like that for a few weeks and it will heal;. Trust me from my experience, do not wait to do it right away. Lookup velcro finger buddy treatment. If you wait it will keep reinjuring over and over till you keep it velcroed non-stop for a few weeks. Then it will heal. You more than likely have a roll of velcro.

  8. hopenhomesteading ig
    hopenhomesteading ig says:

    Those roasters use a super lot of power. Since we have a limited amount of solar I pressure cook my broth. Done in 3 hours on the camp chef explorer then we feed the crumbly bones to the chickens. That looks like a fantastic haul for 4 turkeys.

  9. Sandy Lee
    Sandy Lee says:

    First of all, I love the molding around your windows and doors. I would really like to see how you dispatch a turkey, I've watched some on UTube and it seems complicated, your method might be easier. I'm with everyone else please have your finger looked at, you do not want to do nerve damage, it shouldn't continue to hurt. IMHO It might just be the bags and not your vacuum sealer, I love our Foodsaver.

  10. Melody Cole
    Melody Cole says:

    I found your channel about 5 months ago and my 7 year old son and I have been watching your videos every week. But I have to tell you that he got very upset watching this video and he burst into tears about Buddy. He thought that after you named him/her that it would be kept as a pet. He was quite upset to say the least and I'll probably have to watch your videos by myself from now on.

  11. DrummerlovesBookworm
    DrummerlovesBookworm says:

    Hahaha I love your comment section. I learn so much from your community. But I cannot resist giving my advice about your finger: I did the same thing as you in the past….didnā€™t go to the doctor. Iā€™m a famous home remedy nerd. You certainly can splint it yourself. But then you SHOULD splint it and wear it the FULL time. Because….
    Now that Iā€™m ancient, my two ignored injured fingers have become a problem. They were not any trouble until I hit 60+. Now they are all bent like that librarian I remember in grade school. We all talked about her creepy fingers. šŸ˜‚ And they hurt. Itā€™s preventing me from enjoying playing instruments and knittingā€”passions. My right pinkie sticks out to the side apart from my other fingers. That happened quite suddenly.
    I finally went to a hand specialist, and of course the only course would be surgery to fuse the now-arthritic joints. Old injuries are my only arthritis sites. The orthopedic doctor told me to wrap my fingers straight and see what it would feel like function-wise. I did. It was awful. There would be no serious piano-playing. Now, I can force use of the fingers until the pain is too much. If I got them fused there would definitely be zero occasional playing with my Drummerhubby and his professional band at open jams. I could not possibly keep up like I used to. My pride wouldnā€™t allow it. No church or Sunday School piano playing. No ballet class playing. I wonā€™t do that. So I wear a splint a lot for the discomfort. Same problem with an ankle I didnā€™t take care of properly. Itā€™s like every injury you ever had and forgot about comes back to haunt you. Please take the best possible care of injuries your whole life. Thereā€™s my rant, young lady. šŸ¤Ž

    Mixing taco sauce with ground turkey is a fast flavor for it. Add a spoonful of your canned tomatoes in the Winter and a little cheese….slap it into a tortilla….my favorite speedy tacos when everybodyā€™s hungry RIGHT NOW!!

    Thank you guys for your channel. It enhances my little life. XOjennyinseattle


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