Processing 120 eggs in 1 day! What an Eggcelent Idea! 4K

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Due to things just being super busy around here with getting the garden ready, planting seeds, and taking care of the animals, …

3 replies
  1. @ivy6303
    @ivy6303 says:

    I thought you were pickling the eggs but I've never seen them done that way. My mother in law always pickled hers in beet juice. At least I'm pretty sure it was beet juice lol I've made mustard eggs before and they were good as the eggs absorbed a light mustard taste and they were a pretty yellow. But you processed a lot of eggs! I enjoyed seeing the different things you made with them. Have a great weekend! God bless you!

  2. @madmecyr
    @madmecyr says:

    Never saw egg veggie patties before especially using hard boiled eggs if I saw correct! Is there a recipe anywhere or should I just google it? I don't know if you have a blog that follows along with your channel.


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