Pro Chef Reacts.. To Chef Wang Gang EGG FRIED RICE with Soy Sauce

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We are finally seeing another video of @ChefWangGang Today we will see how he makes his Authentic Chinese Fried Rice with …

37 replies
  1. BLT
    BLT says:

    There are 2 differences between real chef and home chef :
    – Preparation, like cutting, marinating. The way home chefs cut and prepare to cook, mostly are not even qualified as a helper in a real restaurant kitchen, let alone the cook.
    – Serving many people. Home chefs are good for up to 4 people, but when doing 40 people, LOL.

  2. Rei R
    Rei R says:

    Chef James, I know that you want people to watch more than just your reaction videos but they're gonna be your most viewed videos, unfortunately. It is a great idea to give us average viewers tips on what to and not to do in the kitchen.

    You deserve way more subscribers than you currently have and i'm sure that in no time, you'd be like Uncle Roger.

  3. Scott J
    Scott J says:

    A chef, after the invention of replicators. That might be an interesting short story. Sort of like how all the scribes were replaced by the printing press, but the authors are still around. But once you have holodeck style, AI-assisted, food creation putting new dishes into the replicator… maybe chef becomes an anachronism. The occupation of only the truly dedicated.

  4. Tomasz Michalski
    Tomasz Michalski says:

    You can do this raddish at home. It is called sweet daikon. You just buy normal yellow marinated daikon for sushi. Wash it. Add to the pan with palm sugar untill brown and crispy. I use it for pad thai and it gives super unique flavour and after taste

    MARVEL BABA says:

    The less the ingredients, the harder to perfect it. Because the margin of mistakes decreases accordingly. Simpler dishes are quite easier to pull off far difficult to master.

    An iconic example from my Indian perspective is Tea. You know all the ingredients and all are readily available ones. But to make a perfect tea is way way difficult.

    When there are too many ingredients, a little bit of mess up easily goes unnoticed.

  6. Derek Miller
    Derek Miller says:

    have you heard of the channel "chinese cooking demystified"? would love to see a reaction to one of their videos. a favorite juuust ahead of souped recipes which would be cool too. my favorite chinese dish or even of all time is mapo dofu and they have a great video criticizing the CIA -culinary instute of america. your thoughts on the dish in general or their video would be much appreciated! is here

  7. 999 Things To Cook
    999 Things To Cook says:

    The dehydrated radishes are unique and I'd like to try it with them as well.. love those "cutting boards"… gotta get myself a stump like that LOL …the dude's got a hell of a wok technique!! …aerates that rice perfectly. Fantastic video!

  8. 野孩子王鈦銳
    野孩子王鈦銳 says:

    Nice video! Hope you introduce more 王剛 videos, he did a lot of difficult tradition Chinese food. I think it's a pity that the video you introduced is completely unable to show his skills and the beauty of Chinese food. Still thank you😊

  9. Lyri-Kyunero
    Lyri-Kyunero says:

    I enjoy chef Wang's kitchen style, in his videos, he has no decorations and no extraneous words, everything is direct and clear so that I can learn his technique and combined with the ingredients of mine.

  10. Henry Chow
    Henry Chow says:

    there is one thing the video did not say. spreading the soy sauce around the rice is significant. if you add soy sauce to the rice when you cook, rice will absorb it. some of the rice will not cover by soy sauce. also putting soy sauce on the wok instead of rice would also help the smell.

  11. Nelisha Kamal
    Nelisha Kamal says:

    This is so interesting to watch, a talented chef watching another talented chef and adding in his own thoughts and experiences to the information the other chef is giving out. I’m absolutely awful with cooking so I like to watch how other people cook, so watching James reacting to awesome chefs like this is like getting 2x the info!

  12. K S
    K S says:

    Regarding the fragrant egg thing, that is a great observation! I'm from Thailand and I absolutely judge omelets and fried eggs based on whether they have a nice fragrance or not, as they are added on top of the rice dishes here. As always, I love your comments educating us about the cooking techniques!


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