Pro Chef Reacts… To $500 vs $16 Steak Dinner! (Epicurious)

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Today we are going to see how Epicurious makes their $500 and $16 Steaks! HELP SUPPORT MY CHANNEL Single …

49 replies
  1. Eltanin
    Eltanin says:

    I don't know if it is considered as a vegetable but I'm not very fond of manioc leaves… First time I had a congolese pondu I found it too bitter for my taste.

  2. morthim
    morthim says:

    i dislike asparagus and brussle sprouts.
    technically i dislike other veg by itself too.
    compare steamed brocolli with butter and salt, to raw brocolli.
    sweet carrots are fine raw, and better than cooked. but try a raw potatoe.

    there seems to be no saving asparagus or brussle sprouts.

    'boiled brocolli smells bad and tastes bad'
    not really. a neat little hack is to cut the stem off and boil it while steaming the head. in there are leaves pluck them, they wilt bad in the water.
    the stem cooks in close to the same time as the steam.

    the green onions have three parts, the actual roots, the white part, and the green. the roots should be cut off. the green is a garnish. and the white can be used like any other onion. you can leave the white raw to give a stronger onion flavor, but you can also cook it and as you cook it for different durations it mellows, or difuses.
    in the same way, broccoli has massively different cook times. so you should separate the parts and cook them seprately and differently.
    cooking a whole head of broccoli by boiling does the stem but not the crown. steaming does the crown but not the stem. it is like the difference between butchering a turkey and cooing each part separately, vs cooking the whole thing as one and either getting dry breast meat or undercooked dark meat.

    when in a restaurant i dislike it when im served broccolini instead of broccoli cause it isnt that hard of an ingredient. broccolini is super easy to cook just in a pan. and when a chef takes shortcuts it is like noticing you got instant mash potatoes or baked tater tots instead of fries. im not good at cooking, but when you are paying for expertise, you still want them better than you or comparable.

    the reason brocolini is so easy is how narrow the stem is- there is less distance to get the heat through.
    boiled broccoli stem is very similar to boiled daikon. you can mash it, and for people who are unable to eat potatoes, both are decent substitute veg for 'mashed potatoes'. you can tell the difference with broccoli but still. oh the diet is called renal, and the medical condition is dialysis.

  3. Bár111A.
    Bár111A. says:

    My least favorite vegetable has to be brussel sprouts. Had them once and they were so bitter!😭 It's such a shame since they look so cute and are very healthy. Vegetables that are bitter aren't really my thing :/

  4. GreyOne
    GreyOne says:

    I have never been a picky eater. I eat anything, from bland to tasty, from boiled veggies to grilled cured meats. But broccoli is just the only thing i try to avoid, I can eat it, and salted with some garlic and pimenton de la vera isnt bad, but idk what it has but i rather dont have it if I can choose.

  5. ShockWave
    ShockWave says:

    So i think brocolli is similar to cauliflower as of texture and i like cauliflower. My least favorite vegetable would be Drumsticks. They taste a bit weird for me and i would rather choose any other veggie for it.

  6. Cosmin Balan
    Cosmin Balan says:

    I feel like people not liking broccoli is a myth from cartoons in the old day combined with the fact that most of the time it was overcooked and it tastes bad in that scenario. I love it.

  7. Throrface
    Throrface says:

    My number 1 disliked vegetable is definitely tomatos. I can't stand them in anything. But it's mostly about the texture of the actual tomato, I don't mind them when they're broken down into something like a marinara sauce or ketchup. I actually love broccoli. My mom used to do broccoli in a pressure cooker so they were very tender but still had great flavor. I actually found it strange when Frank spoke about preparing the broccoli, because it felt like he thinks broccoli sucks and the best way to prep it is to mask it by adding extra flavors and a different texture and stuff. Meanwhile I'm all about the original broccoli taste.

  8. F R S
    F R S says:

    Hi chef you have you check 'Chef Brian Tsao' channel? 😂 He made a special video of you. He also talking some bs about people accused you copying him

  9. Green Black
    Green Black says:

    I like to steam broccoli first, and then fry it in the pan with olive oil and garlic. In my opinion, straight up steaming them makes them too soft, and frying them without steaming them first, they are a bit too hard for my taste.

  10. MidoriMushrooms
    MidoriMushrooms says:

    My second least favorite vegetable is probably bell peppers. I'll eat them in small amounts in soup as flavor, and I'll eat a little bit in salad, but I cannot stand them otherwise.
    My absolute least favorite, which I WILL NOT EAT under any circumstances, is celery. I hate the taste, the texture, the smell, everything. I might eat the leaves if it's just a little bit in a soup but I refuse to eat the stems.

  11. Anne K
    Anne K says:

    I'm sure there are more veggies that I don't care for, but the only ones I can think of at the moment are green bell peppers and collard greens. I love red, yellow, and orange bell peppers, but I really really dislike green ones. Far too bitter for me. And I've never yet had collard greens that I liked. They were just gross. On the other hand, I love brussel sprouts, broccoli, cauliflower, kale, just about any veggies.


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