Pressure Cooker Interview – Jeana Pecha

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Isaiah (@8ballbangers) and Jake (@JakeGoesOnline) sit down with Season 1 contestant, Chef Jeana Pecha! Join the …

22 replies
  1. Siana Whatarau
    Siana Whatarau says:

    I don’t even mind that she played strategically, but what I don’t get is why she lied so much. Especially with Kristan, pretending she didn’t vote her out even after the voting was done. There was no reason to mislead her AFTER the vote, it’s not like telling the truth would have affected her since Kristan was leaving. Like girl own your shit. It just created a really yuck atmosphere that wasn’t even necessary. That wasn’t misleading to win, that was just misleading for the sake of it

  2. MasterOfDarkness
    MasterOfDarkness says:

    Jeana is a crappy person. She should have returned the Polaroid photo to Lana because it was the right thing to do, not view it as a bargaining chip for reconciliation. You simply cannot trust a person that acts like Jeana.

  3. sumedha
    sumedha says:

    I know it's a show that has been heavily edited for the viewers but regardless of that Jeana acted in super conceited manner.
    Lana did not deserve to leave the way she she did 😭

  4. Jake Collins
    Jake Collins says:

    Hey everyone! I'm Jake from the interview. I just wanted to say Jeana was so kind, respectful, and spoke so highly of everyone on the cast. It is an edited TV show – you don't see everything. She was also playing to win a game. Please try to refrain from being disrespectful and insulting. Thank you!

  5. Lissa Dorval
    Lissa Dorval says:

    I understand playing the game but she manipulated, lied to and had hand in sending home all the people she so called befriended. Then had the nerve to cry and get mad when people said she was the weakest link. How did none of the competitors see that? I wanted to like her cause she seems like great chef but she’s a liar.

  6. SA
    SA says:

    DONT WASTE YOUR TIME WATCHING! You will hate the unfair ending!! I WILL NEVER WATCH AGAIN!!!!Mike was robbed!!!’Worst ending ever!!! It was a popularity contest with snakes like Lana and Jeana The chefs that voted for Robbie had no dignity or respect for good food. You had fine dining vs food you can make at home and you vote for the latter and your friend not the better cook. These chefs are disgusting!!! Mike should have won his food was out of this world. He was robbed. I wish I never wasted all these hours watching this show to end like that!!!

  7. Jazziasf
    Jazziasf says:

    Yes, this is a competition but the disgusting, unethical game with no integrity, that Jeana played… Just imagine eating the food of someone like that in real life. (Cringy)

  8. Tim L
    Tim L says:

    She is my least favorite. From beginning to end I liked Ed, and I don't think I can say the same about anyone else. Egos and too much drama, not enough about the food and integrity. Robbie tried to play the game in the middle of the show so I don't like his "leadership"

  9. Morena Moreno
    Morena Moreno says:

    Just finished the series. Firstly, Mike should have won. He was clearly miles ahead of Robbie. VERY surprised by the outcome. Secondly, hated Jeana. What a conniving, immoral, manipulative, b!tch. It was so satisfying to watch her pack her bags.

  10. Sam
    Sam says:

    Jeana is a horrible, horrible person. It was uncomfortable watching her lie so comfortably again and again. People like her use others as a ladder and throw them away when they don’t serve them anymore. She has zero integrity.

  11. Romani
    Romani says:

    Just finished the show today.
    No human being should be like Jeana, 2 face back stabbing strategist . She is an example of what is wrong with the world today.
    Also, it felt like she was playing a different game, everyone was playing Chess and she was playing Dominoes. I think the people that watch this show will appreciate more the Cooking skills and time management strategies than the Soap Opera that Jeana played.
    Last but not least:
    In this interview she is speaking like she is some kind of Mastermind / strategic genius, but she lost! So


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