Prepping Pantry Tour| Frugal living

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Hi Guys, so in this video I show you my prepping pantry and all my other food cupboards as well. Thanks for watching 🙂 My etsy …

30 replies
  1. @katv1195
    @katv1195 says:

    What a well stocked pantry.
    I've used instant mash in fish cakes, the taste of the fish overpowers the taste of the mash. It would probably work in veggie patties too, with spices or herbs to hide it.

  2. @tamandaflynn6090
    @tamandaflynn6090 says:

    Just a little tip Lizzy. If you use permanent marker to write the expiry date on the front of each item, it's easier to rotate. Also, remember that often goods are ok way beyond that date – i type in to Google '** past expiry date', and it'll advise me.
    Great to have a back up to give us peace of mind x

  3. @karenllewellyn5593
    @karenllewellyn5593 says:

    Hi there. Hope you are well?
    I thought i was bad with having lots of extra food, but your stash of spaghetti beats me hands down lol. How often do you check the dates on stuff ? Im asking because this weekend i had to throw sooo much stuff away😡 that was out of date. Like you, i do have a problem with worrying if i can always feed us, but this weekend made me realise that im beta putting "X" amount of money in a jar in the cupboard "for rainy day food" rather than storing it and then having to throw it out 😢 – defeated the object and realiy upset me that id wasted my money😪. But thats just me for not being on the ball with checking dates regularly – blooming day's, weeks, months and years seem to pass sooo quickly😱.
    Take care

  4. @karencobley1862
    @karencobley1862 says:

    your pantry is like mine – only a lot tidier ! my late Mum – who was born in 1912 – always kept a stock cupboard there was always a tin of red salmon, a tin of fruit, a tin of ham and a tin of evaporated milk – not so much as prepper pantry but more a " just in case " someone dropped by

  5. @mysticmeadowshomestead6209
    @mysticmeadowshomestead6209 says:

    G r o a n ! WHY did I watch this? Oh, don't get me wrong, you've got a sweet little pantry. But I've been putting off going to the Dollar Tree and buying a $1.25 clipboard; inventorying all of my pantry items – by hand; sorting it through into categories; hanging my clipboard by a removable command strip hook inside the pantry door. Marking off items as I use them, writing in items as I add them. Yuck! what a lot of work. I'll procrastinate just one more day, then I'll get right on it.

  6. @julieh4662
    @julieh4662 says:

    Well balanced n stocked cupboard, you’ve just given me the incentive to use my cans up I thought tonight I can have rice pudding with a tin of fruit for my dessert that’s if ive got room after my evening meal 😂


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