Preparing For SHTF Preppers Stockpiling Food and So Should You

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Preparing For SHTF Preppers Stockpiling Food and So Should You. Doomsday Prepper and Survivalists are stockpiling food I’m …

31 replies
  1. gary morton
    gary morton says:

    Love the channel you smoked that video keep it up you are hitting the target first sixty days will tell the tale on shtf or teotwaki got me some 4 pats………..the only thing I want to know a bout canned food old or new IS where is the can opener

  2. colorado packrat prepper (CPP)
    colorado packrat prepper (CPP) says:

    I dehydrate the 5# frozen mix veggies n put in half gallon jars!!! Also 5# bags of hash browns dices and shreds ,plain, dehydrated!!!! I can small fresh potatoes too. Also just ordered 2 more auguson pails of potato slices. Cheaper right now. Also hav 8 5gal buckets of idahoan plain mash potato flakes mylar sealed. And auguson butter powder.

  3. dave smith
    dave smith says:

    Couple cans of soup ie cream of chicken & cream of mushroom heated up and either cooked pasta or rice dumped in and mixed up was a favorite of mine growing in the 80s because i could do it myself after elementary school if nobody else was home πŸ˜‚

  4. Jayne Sierakowska
    Jayne Sierakowska says:

    QUESTION. You mentioned in a previous video about smoking. We dont smoke but wondered if it was worth having a small stock for barter and how long do cigarettes last? Love your videos.

  5. Patriot Mike6671
    Patriot Mike6671 says:

    I kid you not when I was 12 years old I ate some canned chicken that was US Army, kept in a cool and dry indoor location for over 20 years, and nothing happened.
    We started stacking large canned foods 3 years ago and don't use any of it as it is our SHTF supply. Only our Spam has pull tabs but I'm confident that even 3 years from now we'll be fine consuming it.
    If I can find large cans of Chef-Boyardee or Spaghetti-o's w/o pull tabs I'll be adding those to our hoard. Thanks.

  6. Savage Lee
    Savage Lee says:

    I'm always sober. Drinking and drugs will get you killed in good times. Now, get a gun, learn to use it, stack some ammo. Hopefully you will never need it. With 100% certainty you will need food, everyday. So, get busy.

  7. Sue Elliott
    Sue Elliott says:

    Get stocked up on the food your family eats is an absolute must plus lots of water or a way to purify water.
    Git 'er done as Larry the cable guy would say. TFS

  8. armorboy24 Doe
    armorboy24 Doe says:

    I try to rotate when I can when it's just me I can't eat 4 big cans of ravioli and day and try to lose weight at the same timeπŸ˜…, but I buy a little food here one week next week freedom seeds next week some metals and just keep rotating that but right now this month where I get some freedom seeds there having a monthly sale on them so I'm kind of focused more on that this month but I'm still getting food and metals just not as much,

  9. DeepSouth Pal
    DeepSouth Pal says:

    My wife and I are investing in an All American canner. She's a fungal microbiologist for the USDA so she is extremely cautious about canning and food preservation. She works with autoclaves and whatnot. It's nice to have an extremely well educated wife when it comes to this stuff.

  10. Psychonaut
    Psychonaut says:

    Several years ago, i prepped up a food supply that would last me many months. Then came Covid, it made me lose my job (was a tank truckdriver, hauling diesel/gas). I changed job a couple of times after that, and also went back to driving school to take a bus drivers license. I also very recently paid off the last of some debts i had (study loan for instance).
    All this going back and forth between jobs i didn't like, and studying + getting debt free…made my economy suffer. My food supply helped out a lot some months, when i was broke. The only thing i had to get, was cigarettes ( ones). No matter what reason people prep for, it can come in handy for things you don't expect.
    Now i'm debt free, economy is waay better, got a job i love since last year, so i can finaly start putting back what i used up from my supply during "hard" times.

  11. JS
    JS says:

    Question: Is it better to store pull ring tab cans upside for more shelf life? Reason i ask is that some cans of sardines have the label upside down to stack on the shelves so was just assuming its better to store cans with pull tabs upside down

  12. Bruce Wayne
    Bruce Wayne says:

    The biggest hindrance to Gold & Silver is ignorance. One will NEVER convince Bubba that it is real; without a portable acid scratch kit, and then convince him that the kit is true and not a magic trick. One will also NEVER convince Bubba, that this funny looking coin is worth what you say it is, if the web or power is down. I am not a big fan of it, based on 'perceived life value' during an emergency. It is a good long term investment however. I enjoy your videos, thanks for providing them.

  13. Michelle Mitten Prepper Veteran
    Michelle Mitten Prepper Veteran says:

    I HIGHLY dislike the pull tabs…. they've cost me allot of $$ through the years. I'm willing to pay a bit more for some cases of canned goods we stock from Aldi and/or Dollar Tree to avoid those in my rotation. Playing "guess the temperature" game up here in Michigan, It's a pain as it is without a whimpy seal on the goods.

  14. David Potter
    David Potter says:

    I bought a bunch of that spaghetti when it was less than a dollar a can. It's higher price now and it's not in the store regularly. I did the same with stew. It is 30% higher now. I don't buy near as much as I used to. But I have a fair stack of it already. I'm going to have a bunch of tomatoes πŸ… to can up pretty soon. I can make sauce and put it in glass jars. Glass doesn't rust. 😁

  15. Lewis Whiston
    Lewis Whiston says:

    Another great video mate keep on stacking! Do you keep an inventory of your food stocks whether it be paper or digital , I had to get everything out a while back so I could count up what I had and regretted not doing it from the start now I keep an accurate list of what I have on hand so I can meal plan ect . Keep up the hard work πŸ‘ŠπŸ‡¬πŸ‡§πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ

  16. Donnie Purcell
    Donnie Purcell says:

    At 68 years old I have a few years on you, even at that as a young whipper snapper you inspire me to hit the gym and work on my personal minimums. 225 lbs. on squat, 250 lbs. on deadlift, bodyweight benchpress and 135 lbs. on overhead press. Will I meet these? Maybe, I'm close with the squat and deadlift, shoulder problems may curtail or slow progess on the bench and overhead press, like I said at 68 years old but I figure I'm ahead of 95 percent of guys in my age range. Food preps are also a priority and a pricey investment in a piece of equipment to further that goal. Always look forward to your info, fills out my day. Crack on!


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