Pouring Gravy Over Your French Fries? 🇨🇦 My First Taste of Poutine

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After years of talking about it, I’m going to have my first taste of french fries topped in fresh cheese curds and drenched in gravy: poutine. Big thanks to Elise for …

25 replies
  1. Alby Luchko
    Alby Luchko says:

    It feels like you waited too long. You have to put the cheese on the hot fries immediately and the hot gravy on top. You eat them fast and the fries will still be crispy and the cheesy melted and stretchy. Those first hot crispy bites are the best. Definitely echo others in suggesting you wouldn’t salt them fries for this dish. Now I’ll need some wet fries from The Hat. (I’m in LA so can’t get to the real thing.) Doesn’t have the cheese curds but still the proper brown gravy drenched hot French fry experience. You definitely need to try some in Quebec!

  2. Anon
    Anon says:

    I don't know how they did it but Mean Poutine in Vancouver keeps the fries crispy despite it being smothered in gravy. Do they triple fry the fries? haha

  3. Teknologik
    Teknologik says:

    We actually have Poutine in New Hampshire due to the French Canadian influence in the Manchester area which isnt all that far from you and they do it justice only a couple hours away from you

  4. Emily Fleischmann
    Emily Fleischmann says:

    I love this! Your videos are great, Emmy! I just discovered them today because my niece requested a sponge cake for her birthday and my sister told me they watch your videos together. Awesome! Also love the nod to Babish, whose videos I also recently discovered while staying with friends.

  5. Nikkie White
    Nikkie White says:

    Emmy you need to really cook the fries well done if you want the crispy bits to hang on. You need to get them a dark Golden Brown. I also recommend ripping or chopping your cheese curds rather small; you can fit more in more evenly and they will melt better! Club house also makes a poutine gravy mix but like the canned gravy it is very salty.

  6. lisa delisle
    lisa delisle says:

    Coming from someone who eats poutine about once a week…. There is a huge difference between chicken gravy (St. Hubert's) and a brown (beef) gravy. There is nothing better then brown gravy on a poutine!!!

  7. Kathy Hines
    Kathy Hines says:

    We used to go to the diner after going to the club and get Disco Fries! SO MUCH like poutine! Disco Fries are just french fries, brown gravy & mozzarella cheese! It is AWESOME! 🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤


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