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bonebroth,#weightloss,#keto, 746 POSSIBLE -C- and EATING CHICKEN BROTH and PORK LOIN ROAST…. Oh yeah, we’re …

21 replies
  1. OlderPennsylvanian-OP
    OlderPennsylvanian-OP says:

    God bless you two – we have the same stuff going on here in PA, I never spiked in temperature but had the sore ribs from coughing and mostly an annoying background headache. There are also colds and flus going around and there is almost nobody who is not waiting for test results, or trying to find tests (everyone is out of the tests) or finding out someone in their circle has tested positive. Getting a test scheduled might take a week then up to 5 days to get the results so you wonder whether the result is still even relevant. I work part time in a township office and our manager closed the building yesterday until next week. So frustrating! I have to hand it to you both for still somehow managing to do videos and keep smiling. Hugs to you!

  2. Debra Raiche
    Debra Raiche says:

    WOW… So Love this ….and egg shells never new this…LOVE!!! So love when I learn something NEW!!! Do you think you Could use the pressure cook setting on a Ninja to make your bone broth???

  3. CW
    CW says:

    Praying for you both! Wow can't believe you are still able to make a video. You're my both heroes to out community! We love you and appreciate you!

  4. Judy Plante
    Judy Plante says:

    Sending prayers to you both! That is a wonderful idea making some of your homemade chicken bone broth, probably one of the best things you could be having at this time.

  5. Dee Lee
    Dee Lee says:

    Love you guys hope you feel better real soon!💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  6. Meg Bressette
    Meg Bressette says:

    Sending you ❤ that you got feel better soon.

    I had it in March, 2021 and stopped breathing. One of adult children gave it to me on Christmas so I'm on day #4 of round 2. Completely different experience this time. Sore throat, exhaustion, fever here. Bone broth & keto chow ice cream is keeping me going.

    Love your bone broth recipe. I just did this with a turkey carcass from Christmas. Heaven.

  7. Christina Maiorano
    Christina Maiorano says:

    Wendy and Harry…I truly hope you start feeling better soon. I can see how much both of you are struggling with such a cold. You are both troopers. Good delicious bone broth definitely helps! 💜


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