Poor Man Meals that DONT suck! | Tasty and Delicious Meals that are EXTREMELY CHEAP

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Poor Man Meals that DONT suck! | Tasty and Delicious Meals that are EXTREMELY CHEAP Hello all my fellow foodies and …

29 replies
  1. Pooja Darji
    Pooja Darji says:

    There's something magical about your food. I appreciate your efforts; I was wondering if you could share a video of you cooking with KHAL viewers. I would love to tip you on your recipes..🥰🤞👩🏻‍🍳😋😋😋


  2. wolchfam
    wolchfam says:

    The meals look good but with today’s prices I don’t think they are poor man meals – more like middle income meals. Maybe if you only put in 1/2 lb of meat in each one. Our ground beef is at least $5 a lb here plus the other ingredients make these meals cost over $10 around here with our food prices in Nevada. All the meals do look tasty.

  3. Dee Ferry
    Dee Ferry says:

    That ground beef with gravy mix and the mashed potatoes is a staple dish here in Scotland, we call it mince n tatties, only difference is we add carrots and onions to the beef . This is also the recipe for cottage pie, layer the beef at the bottom, mashed potato on top and sprinkle grated cheddar cheese and bake in an overat 350F for about 20 – 30 mins. We don't tend to add tomato puree, garlic etc. Its very tasty. My children's favourite dessert was plain sponge, I spread it with raspberry jam and sprinkled it with dessicated coconut. Daughter liked it with hot custard, son preferred it on its own. Great meals, thank you for sharing xx

  4. Anne Marie
    Anne Marie says:

    Thank you for sharing your meals! You provide me with lots of cheap ideas and a lot of new meals too! I live in Germany and actually am not that these recipes so am thoroughly enjoying it. Thank you 🙏

  5. terry nelson
    terry nelson says:

    t is actually beef Manhattans really you should have a lot more gravy put your beef gravy mix on the side of your mashed potatoes and serve with buttered bread on the side when I was a little girl we had this meal once a week in school add your veggie sides to the plate it's amazing with that brown gravy on your potatoes too

  6. Nancy Carney
    Nancy Carney says:

    In 1974 we were transitioning from Military to civilian life. (yuck) Yep. We were dirt poor for about 4 months. 2 of us. Ground beef 3 lbs for $1. pork & beans were 23 c per can. We made camp beans at least twice a week. 1/3 lb ground beef browned with 1/4 c chopped onion. Do not drain. That is flavor. Add 1 can pork and beans. 1/4 tsp mustard. 1/4 c ketchup. salt and pepper to taste. Heat through till bubbly in a single pan. cost about 50c for the whole meal. We ate it with a slice of white bread that was 20c a loaf.

  7. allyroo H
    allyroo H says:

    My Dollar Tree marked down their ground beef from $5 to $1.25 to clear it out. I'm having a ball making me some poor man meals that didn't cost me much!! I love to make a #10 bag of chicken from WalMart for $6.72, debone it, and then make a weeks worth of meals from it. I'm making those cookies today with a splash of pumpkin pie spice. Feeling the Fall!


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