PointCrow reacts to Pro Chef reacts to PointCrow

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This is an *unedited* Twitch VOD from PointCrow. Chef Brian Tsao’s video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7h3miktG5aQ

42 replies
  1. xDiamondLongswordx
    xDiamondLongswordx says:

    Pointcrow u need to go apologize to him in person for the CRETIN crimes you did to that. I know that you are incredibly sorry but that made me want to actually throw up. I love ur content but holy fuck dude 0-0

  2. Witthy Humpleton
    Witthy Humpleton says:

    "Warm meat milk" I've heard of worse PointCrow hentai.
    Also. "I was enjoying how good this was. These are the sounds of pleasure." Right they are, not that I have a problem with masochism but don't go pretending that's the norm here man. B)


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