Podcast: The Health Benefits of Sorghum

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24 replies
  1. Rick Rude
    Rick Rude says:

    Whole grain sorghum has a glycemic index of 62. Pearled barley has a glycemic index of 25. Pearled barley is readily available and at a fraction of the price of whole grain sorghum. Pearled barley does have gluten, but is a staple grain in the Blue Zone of Sardinia.

  2. Aanya Chauhan
    Aanya Chauhan says:

    I cannot source purple barley, rye berries and black lentils in my region for the prebiotic food you once talked about in morning. Any substitutions for that? is it better to soak these before pressure cooking them?

  3. Arehone Belinda
    Arehone Belinda says:

    I am South African and Sorghum is a staple here and also in the rest of Africa. It's also the main ingredient in making traditional African beer. I actually had it this morning as porridge for breakfast
    This is so informative, good to know

  4. The Progressive Goldbug
    The Progressive Goldbug says:

    I like mine slightly al dente. I add 1 1/2 cups water to 1 cup sorghum and cook on high-pressure in an instant pot for 5 minutes, then do a natural pressure release. This way it’s not porridge and holds up like brown rice.

  5. furyofbongos
    furyofbongos says:

    Audio is still distorted, and overall audio quality is poor in this issue. Here is why this is important:
    Google: how audio quality affects perception
    "…a new study suggests when we're listening to information, the quality of the sound can be just as important as the message."

    People don't take information as seriously when the audio quality is poor.


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