Podcast Episode 257 Why Natto Is So Good For You

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Natto is a superfood that I have been wanting to make for decades. It’s fun to make and the health benefits for help with preventing …

12 replies
  1. starcraft ghost
    starcraft ghost says:

    I make mine in my 10qt Instant Pot. I use a 3-layer stainless steel insert. I distribute 7 cups worth of dried soybeans (soaked overnight). I use the Yogurt Low setting for at least 24 hours. If the white powdery layer is a bit “meh”, I add about 4-8 more hours. It lasts over a month in my fridge. If you freeze natto, it has to be eaten within a week.

  2. starcraft ghost
    starcraft ghost says:

    Yay!!! I was hoping you’ll eventually venture into this superfood. I started making natto 3 years ago for my husband who was diagnosed with atherosclerosis. I ate it with him in solidarity and didn’t know I was going to benefit from it too. My dental health had improved a lot, I recovered from dental surgeries faster, PMS are almost non-existent. Natto also contains PQQ, spermidine , and if you look into the nutritional data, it contains a chockful of nutrients and amino acids.

    BTW, I find using black soybeans makes it even milder. I mix it in my spaghetti or salad sometimes. If I have to eat it by itself, I douse it with kimchi or use the banchan sauce.

  3. Susan Jane
    Susan Jane says:

    Great Addition to the pre-probiotic items on your web/ items. Have you ever considered adding Tofu?? I am thinking about making this Natto like hummus. Just exchanging one bean for this soybean. I will need to adjust the taste factor though.That’s the reason I ordered 3 this time. I have given my 8 week old kitten small bites of all the yogurts I am making. He licks them all down. Nice addition to their making my body great .

  4. Nathan Riggins
    Nathan Riggins says:

    Plants can't run, so they have become masters of chemical warfare. Otherwise, they would have been eaten into extinction.

    Beans are really good at getting you. Since learning about them more indepth and finding out they can be fermented, I won't eat non fermented ones

  5. David King
    David King says:

    Great subject… Love this food… ask at a Japanese restaurant for some live culture starter product… and wrap some up as a sushi filling… Hope to see you try Natto culture with other beans – lentils, blackbeans etc. for variety….

  6. Teresa Sears
    Teresa Sears says:

    Hiw big of a yogurt maker and what brand? Amazing video. Just heard about Natto this year. Want to make it myself. I make kefir and kombucha. Been following you fie awhile. Excellent. Open heart a year ago.

  7. mathfaster
    mathfaster says:

    I've made natto before using an Instant Pot. It can be a bit tricky to get right. Natto is high in the MK7 form of K2. It is not high in the MK4 form of K2. MK4 is the form of K2 that keeps calcium out of your arteries and puts it into your bones. One should really have both types.


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