Plant Based Vegan Instant Pot Cabbage Soup for Weight Loss

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This Plant Based Cabbage Soup recipe can be a big time saver when you have a busy week ahead. Just chop up the ingredients, stick them in the Instant Pot …

42 replies
  1. M
    M says:

    So wish every kid could watch your videos…enough to plant the seed of healthy eating. We are SO at the mercy of processed foods being pushed everywhere. Our collective health is atrocious. You are helping to heal a sick population.

  2. Robyn Saavedra
    Robyn Saavedra says:

    Jill I absolutely love your channel…but I cannot focus with the music? Something must be wrong with me! Let me know if you have a platform without the tunes. I am still saving for your book with the next paycheck. Keep them coming girlfriend! xoxo

  3. Jill Maurer
    Jill Maurer says:

    Wonderful idea on changing the spices. I do that with pasta sauce. I make huge batches to freeze while tomatoes are fresh in the summer but keep them fairly plain and then spice each container differently as I reheat it.

  4. Maryam Alkhalifah
    Maryam Alkhalifah says:

    You are amazing! Your videos are bunch of diamonds. I suffered with my diet change in the beginning. I made up recipies that are free of sugar, gluten, and dairy and a lot of them did not turn out perfect. Six months ago, I came across your channel and I am very thankful to have you as your recipes are exactly matching my preference ๐ŸŒน

  5. Shawna Keehn
    Shawna Keehn says:

    Hello again all the way from Winnipeg! Looks fantastic and going to make this sometime. I was wondering and I'm pretty sure it would be okay in a slow cooker right? I have that. Please let me know soon if can and thanks a bunch! Thanks for your hard work! My family just loves when i do your recipe's. I love that its pretty simple. It gives you a break more. I love cooking but some who are like you and I need a break, I believe that when we do a lot in the kitchen always. God bless you! ๐Ÿ™‚

  6. vegan_fever
    vegan_fever says:

    I like the way you do your show and your recipes. This is not a criticism of this recipe, I am just wandering if somebody else here feels, too, that we seem to be obsessed with usage of tomatoes. It appears that hearty means lots of tomatoes, and I disagree. Tomatoes add sourness to it. When I read the title of the show I had a different idea what that soup might look like: no tomatoes involved, nothing sour in it. But, of course, that just me and my thoughts. Anyway, thank you very much for your excellent show. ๐Ÿ™‚

  7. Wanda Abel
    Wanda Abel says:

    The recipe for the Cabbage Soup in the Instant Pot says to set the timer for 35 minutes but the video shows 15 minutes. The latter seems more reasonable but would appreciate confirmation.

  8. Stephanie Tingle Hardman
    Stephanie Tingle Hardman says:

    What are your thoughts on snacking? It seems that Dr. Fuhrman recommends against it but I've heard you mention snacking on popcorn in a few of your videos? Do you and your family still snack? My husband wants the answer to be "yes", lol.

  9. Molla Molla
    Molla Molla says:

    So happy to see your hand getting recovery . las Wednesday , I had injury on my left hand ( the middle finger) and after 10 days gonna take off the splint, pray for me please .


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