Plant-Based Guide to Gut Health ft, Inno Supps Inno Cleanse Review | Vegan

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23 replies
  1. Randi Baker
    Randi Baker says:

    Fine, fine, fine… I'll try IP yogurt again. I'm counting on you (and me).
    I'd like to get back to making kombucha one day. I"m the only one in the house that drinks it so need to figure out how to make enough for just me and not an army.
    Thank you for this video. I really appreciate what you do.
    And for oversharing… I"m a 7am in the morning kinda person. Pondering on giving the pills a try to help get back on track, when I won't have to leave the house for a few days….

  2. TJ
    TJ says:

    I was toying with the idea of making kombucha, I already make sourdough, and vinegar. Do you have any resources that could help? I also use to make my own yogurt back when I ate dairy…planning to give that a try again I tried a couple of times but found them runny I think I will try straining it might give me a better consistency. And as always great video.

  3. Vi
    Vi says:

    Great video, Jeremy. Very interesting and you are funny! Made me smile throughout. I am a retired Dietetic Technician and worked in a nursing home for 25 years, so talking about poop is a daily thing for me. I am always very cautious in deciding whether to take any kind of supplements or over the counter medicinal products because despite being on a WFPB diet, I am on many medications (lousy genes) and am concerned about drug interactions. My doctor recently recommended something called Oxypowder to cleanse the bowel. It is mainly magnesium and citric acid. I have taken it a few times and it works. The recommendation is 4 capsules, but I take 2. I have stomach issues like Wooley (I have IBS-C). It's not fun and I recently stared on Linzess which is ineffective so far to improve the iBS-C. Anyway, I watched your sourdough bread video and I would try that. It is $7.00 here to buy a whole wheat one, so I would imagine making your own is a money saver. The yogurt seems a little intimidating and I don't have an instant pot, although I have been thinking about buying one for a long time. Of I do, I will try it. I love and miss yogurt. I have bought Silk soy yogurt, which is edible. The other PB yogurts are awful tasting to me, including the Trader Joe's cashew based one (and I LOVE most things from Trader Joe's!!!). I continue to watch and enjoy your channel. Thank you!!

  4. Marilyn
    Marilyn says:

    Interesting video Jeremy. I’ll try making yogurt in my instant pot again using your process. I tried it awhile back and it was too runny. We love sourdough bread, so may attempt that too. Walter and the Kombucha…..a little intimidating. Lol. Reminded me of a science project. 😜


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