Pickle Brined Chicken Wings

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Oh yes, these pickle brined chicken wings are seriously crispy and seriously delicious. A fantastic keto wing recipe for your snacking pleasure. With instructions …

14 replies
  1. drinda coron
    drinda coron says:

    I always save the brine from pickles, pickled beets and pickled peppers for making pickled eggs and mixing a little into my salad dressings and sipping of course. Hahahahaha

  2. A Giraffe
    A Giraffe says:

    I used to get in so much trouble as a child for drinking the pickle juice out of the jar and leaving the pickles drying out 😵‍💫 I am going to have to try this. Also in MN we do a shot of whiskey and then a chaser shot of pickle juice, we call it a pickle back.

  3. Dave S
    Dave S says:

    You make this look so easy! This is definitely going to be something I whip up here soon, love wings! Fun fact, they actually sell pickle juice separately (without the pickles). Who knew? TY for all the great recipes!

  4. picantesworld77
    picantesworld77 says:

    Wow!! 😲 Carolyn they look amazing! I didn't know that instant pot had an air fryer attachment 😲 now I know why I held off on buying an air fryer I'm glad to find this out I love my instant pot now I'm going to love it even more. Pickle Brine yeah that's how I think Chick-fil-A does their chicken soaks it in pickle brine. I got two for the price of one in this video thanks Carolyn. Did you make those pickles yourself because they look like homemade pickles?


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