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Pho Master W 40th Street, 6th Ave New York, NY, NY …

45 replies
  1. Falcan Claw
    Falcan Claw says:

    IM JUST MAD YOU RUINED THE BROTH BY PUTTING SAUSD INTO IT! YOU DIP IT INTO THE SAUSE😂😂😂😂😂 im kidding it's whatever you like to do it, i just dont see it often lol

  2. Six Eared Macaque
    Six Eared Macaque says:

    Hot food is one of my go-to's for hot weather, it may sound stupid but I'm more prone to illness in hot weather and I feel like I'm more immune to stuff when I'm eating hot food, I believe my lack of ability to stand high temperatures is because im scottish, born and raised, I'm used to the cold, recently it's been hitting highs of 40°c and I caught the flu and then my calves, ankles and feet swole up and I got a super bad case of tight jaw, I ended stick on a diet of tomato soup after realising my tight jaw wasn't going away anytime soon, after spending a few days struggling to eat even the softest foods like noodles or cheese, I ended up sticking to a week long diet of just soup, my jaw is better now and I'm still eating hot food in these horror temperatures, the flu has passed consoderably fast considering the fact I haven't had a flu shot since like 2017, I haven't had a vaccine in a few years now, other than my first COVID one, my arm didn't even hurt that much after and I got a carton of ribena and a pack of crisps from boots after, I'm thinking of talking with my gp about catching up on vaccines, I never did get that one for breast cancer, I'm most likely not going to have to deal with it because I'm gonna get rid of them since I'm trans but you never know, since in non-binary and am starting to gain confidence with my chest I might keep them but at the same time I want to be able to go around the house and local pool shirtless so, it's a tuffy

  3. GauzyMusic
    GauzyMusic says:

    Why u squirting hoisin and siracha into the pho broth haiyaaa… The broth takes 8 hours to make. Don't just squirt sauce in there, show the broth some respect haiyaa.. Uncle Roger will be so disappointed

  4. Ummi K
    Ummi K says:

    Lisa in my culture we drink tea to cool off. How it works: your arteries open so your body can get rid of the heat. Thats why its not recommended to shower with cold water. Bc it is the opposite effect.


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