Pesto chicken pasta meal prep done in 40 minutes to set you up for the week

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This basil pesto chicken pesto pasta eaten as meal prep or not, is one of the simplest recipes to make with such incredible full of …

37 replies
  1. Kenneth Bowen
    Kenneth Bowen says:

    Great video! Just a small correction, searing the meat does not keep moisture locked in. That is an old wives tale that is probably one of the most common myths in cooking. It DOES add texture and browned flavors, and is still a good idea.

  2. Heidi Michaels
    Heidi Michaels says:

    Your meal prep is so fabulous
    I make all the different meals on one day and have enough food for the whole month
    Saves me so much time
    Continue with more recipes
    I love it ๐Ÿ˜€ โ™ฅ

  3. Dylan Casey
    Dylan Casey says:

    Hi Jack,
    Just thought I'd drop a comment to say I love your meal prep Mondays and can't wait for more recipes, you're very informative and have motivated me to cook meals each Sunday to prepare for the week.
    Thanks mate lifesaver

  4. Devonte Bailey
    Devonte Bailey says:

    Thank you so much for this I made it tonight and I was pretty impressed Super easy to make, and taste pretty good, and I made my chicken in the air fryer instead I'm looking forward to upcoming meal prep recipes ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿฝ๐Ÿ’ฏ

  5. Sb
    Sb says:

    I love this! I make something similar but I add zucchini and cherry tomatoes, adds volume makes it more healthy and goes really well with the pesto.

  6. Zee Ndhlovu
    Zee Ndhlovu says:

    As a university student that sometimes struggles with what to eat, your channel has been helping me for weeks now so thank you!๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿพ Also, can you do some sweet recipes as well? Would really appreciate it.โ˜บ๏ธ

  7. Amateur Crastinator
    Amateur Crastinator says:

    I just recently found your channel. I haven't tried any of the recipes yet. But I really appreciate the style of your videos. Short and sweet and to the point. Too many other channels want people to watch several minutes of food simmering and blending.

  8. skvalparn
    skvalparn says:

    Hi love the Receipts you do but could you state the calorie/portion amount some where in the description on each video? Would love to know since i try to stay at 1700 calories/day


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