Peanut Butter Fudge Truffles with Dr T. Colin Campbell – Healthy Living with Chef AJ Episode 2

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29 replies
  1. Kristine Helsing
    Kristine Helsing says:

    Loved this episode with Dr. Campbell. I regularly use my Instant Pot to make soy yogurt from Edensoy plain organic soymilk and some yogurt saved from the last batch as starter. If I don’t have any saved I get a small container of Forager plain cashew yogurt and use that as the starter. Turns out great every time.

  2. Miss Dale Westwood
    Miss Dale Westwood says:

    I have an Instant Pot and I use it every day. I have never had anything turn out badly in it. I just made a vegan mushroom leek risotto last night in it, and it was easy and fast, and it turned out beautifully. My omnivore husband had seconds 😊. It really has changed the way we eat.

  3. Merry World
    Merry World says:

    🌿🌷🌿 Such an important message brought to us by the revered Dr. Campbell along with Chef A.J.
    The enthusiasm & information Chef A.J. & Dr. Campbell provide to us is undeniably invaluable. Thank you to all involved in bringing us this wonderful & beautiful show !! 🌿🌷🌿

  4. Maria Rooney
    Maria Rooney says:

    I agree with you about the Instant pot. I was intimidated at first because of ideas I heard about old fashioned pressure cookers. Now that I’ve cooked in it, it’s all I use. I keep telling my children about it. My daughter-in-law bought me one a couple of years ago. Thanks Chef AJ. ❤️

  5. nancy herrmann
    nancy herrmann says:

    For a little over 25 years I have been plant-based. My dad died at 73 from heart attack. My dad had cholesterol And he's past that genetic down to me. I am 5'4 and 114 lb and for the life of me I still have to take it's only 5 mg but I have to take a statin for my cholesterol. Eating plant base yes has reduced it dramatically but I I can't budget more than five or six total points down. And I know the doctor is talking about that on this episode


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