Pantry Challenge Week 5 | What To Do When You Buy Too Much

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In today’s weekly Pantry Challenge video, we will do the week 4 recap, make a meal plan for week 5 and then talk about what to …

13 replies
  1. Brenda Howell
    Brenda Howell says:

    Oats o oats so many!!!! I took my oats put them in single serving baggies added dry powder peanut butter, dry fruit any kind, chocolate chips, nuts,, brown sugar,, etc I just got creatived. That's what the kids had for breakfast for come weeks. It.really helped use up bunch.

  2. Karen Page
    Karen Page says:

    My thoughts on your split peas… you already know you don't go through them quickly, why can them and make them take up sooooo much more space? I'd leave them in the bucket, but maybe mylar bag some. They should last decades, so it shouldn't be a big deal that it takes awhile to work through them. I wouldn't can more than 3 or 4 pints. I mean, look at the canned bean issue. Only with canning, it takes up both space and jars. If the 25 or so minutes it takes to cook them is the friction point, then maybe cook up some to freeze and can 3 or 4 jars worth. Seal the rest in mylar or vacuum seal them. Too many tomatoes is never a problem in this house. I can't grow enough despite growing them in nearly 70% of our garden space. I have enough each year for salsa and pizza sauce, but not enough for ketchup, BBQ sauce, or pasta sauce. We have chickens, so they get some of our overflow if it will go bad before we use it or found out we didn't like it. If we want to preserve the overflow, it either gets canned ASAP if that is our preferred way of eating it (with the exception of tomatoes, which I batch process in the fall) or it gets processed for eventual freeze drying. We have a large Fd'er so I tend to freeze things on the FD'er trays until we have 5 full, then I run a batch. Usually I have 4 or 5 full trays waiting their turn, especially after making broth or in the harvest season. Its nice to take something that previously required refrigeration or freezing and make it shelf stable. But in the case of your split peas, I wouldn't bother to FD them as they'd take up more room and wouldn't save that much time and wouldn't free up valuable freezer space. Spices are the dickins to store though!!! I keep mine on a huge rack that takes up the whole inside of the pantry/closet door, which works perfect for smaller jars and bottles. It doesn't not accommodate 1 lb bags of oregano from Azure though! If you follow A Family Food Supply, they just recently resolved their cluster of a spice problem. Like you they use a kitchen cabinet, but unlike you, they use an entire 2 door upper cabinet for spices. I don't have that kind of cabinet space but my door rack looks excessive compared to your spice collection. But I love to play around with flavor profiles! You might find this funny… you know all the jokes about people giving away zucchini? Yeah, I was at the hair salon and came out to find ALL the cars in the parking lot with a zucchini on the windshield!!! We still joke about the Zucchini Bunny!

  3. lisa white
    lisa white says:

    saute mustard seeds and cumin in fat of choice and add onions and garlic, salt to taste, mix into cooked steel cut oats and top with chopped peanuts and cilantro (if you like it). you can add frozen corn, chopped spinach…

  4. Kandace Noelle
    Kandace Noelle says:

    I have containers of Dollar Tree that I refill from 5 gallon buckets. I have several 5 & 3 gallon buckets are filled w/a variety of items. My most used bucket I have several small mylar bags w/rice, pasta, store bought flour(need to use first), oats, & sugar (I take out what I need to fill the containers in the pantry). I also have these buckets in case someone I know needs food, then I can share a variety of food w/a friend or neighbor.

  5. Andrea's Rural Kitchen
    Andrea's Rural Kitchen says:

    I found myself with about 25lbs oats. I used to make my dog's food and used oats for the carbohydrate ingredient, but she passed away and I had a lot left! I took the plunge into mylar and love it! I also packed dry beans that I had in reused plastic containers. Since then I've done more beans and 50lbs rice. Next I'll be doing potato flakes and pasta. Also to help with using up those oats I started making baked oatmeal for my son 👍

  6. Karrie MB
    Karrie MB says:

    These are great ideas !! If I know I’m not going to use something… I will pass it on . Grandma Kathy is an amazing cook and baker and she is always happy to use a spice or a food item that we are not using. She will use it in a brand new recipe or a old favorite they love. That helps a lot so there is no waste!!! Today I need to deal with 3 butter squash and I’m wanting to make soup and freeze the other batch!! A lot I have lemons so I’m zesting the lemon before I squeeze the juice and making my turmeric, ginger lemonade!!! So yummy and only sweetened with honey !!! Love all the ideas and menus you share with us !! Have an amazing day


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