Pan Seared Salmon with Honey Garlic Glaze | Chef Jean-Pierre

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Hello There Friends, Today I made a delicious Salmon Recipe that you can cook all in the pan! This fast and easy dinner recipe is …

25 replies
  1. Alan Yeo
    Alan Yeo says:

    Hi Chef, i am into your 10th dish already, desserts included and all had been great success because you made it so uncomplicated. I would like to bake a good baguette to go with some of your recipes, instead of pasta. Can you show us how to do a good real French baguette? Thank you for all the great videos.

  2. Rita
    Rita says:

    Lovely viewing…Quick to rustle up …By just looking at the fish and estimating the exact time 38 seconds for the perfectly done fish…,Technique I still need to master while cooking Asian Sea Bass/Barramundi type of Fish with capsicum and onion chunks with tomato and soya sauce…Will try this recipe it is light yet incorporates flavours with the honey glaze and garlic…Always a pleasure viewing…Thank you

  3. nOtThIs GuYaGaIn
    nOtThIs GuYaGaIn says:

    I made this today and I’m currently eating it. And it’s top quality of course. I made mine with a side of salt and pepper squid and peas and corn. The combination of garlic lemon and soy works so well. So well in fact that I legitimately licked my plate clean.

  4. Motti Shneor
    Motti Shneor says:

    Here I can contribute a little story, as an Israeli. This tiny round pasta Chef Jean Pierre calls "Israeli Couscous" has a very special story. The declaration of the state of Israel in 1948 was "accompanied" by both a terrible war (7 Arab states tried to ruin the newly declared country) and the tiny 650000 jewish population lost about 5600 people in the war which is terrible. Economy was in its very beginnings, and a huge stream of jews all around the world decided to join and build their forefathers country after 1850 years diaspora – many were the coming from muslim countries (Irak, Iran, Kurdistan, Syria, Egypt) and the Maghreb (Morocco, Tunisia, Lybia, Algeria). All these jews were really accustomed to eating Rice and Couscous as their simplest base food.

    But there was no rice, and there was no semolina for making couscous… and the population of the new immigrants was getting depressed on top of poor and war-striked…

    So our first Prime-minister Mr. David Ben-Gurion, ordered for a "Rice substitute". And some engineers from the old (and only…) pasta factory, created these tiny balls of pasta now presented by Chef Jean Pierre – which aren't rice, neither Couscous – but they "did the trick" for a few years until Rice and Semolina became available.

    By that time – so many Israeli kids only knew these – that they came to love them very much. They can be made very sticky and so infants can take them with their spoon, and they take up sauce nicely, and their texture (a bit like tapioca peals but "rounder") is really fun. In Hebrew they were forever called "אורז בן-גוריון" (Ben-Gurion Rice) and on the packets it was written "פתיתים" (flakes) and now… for the first time… I hear the idiom "Israeli Couscous" and I get a healthy laugh !!!

    It is amazing how history plays with human creations, and how far something can get from its humble origin!!!

    Nice one, Chef!!! I WILL DEFINITELY do this recipe this Friday, as we have these always in the cupboard, and I just… never… thought of doing anything fancy with them. Time to do!

  5. Richard Reid
    Richard Reid says:

    Love JP, there are never any pretentious recipes just great food that anyone can learn to cook with a little effort I look forward to every video.
    even if you don't quite get it right the first time its always enjoyable to try.

  6. Joe
    Joe says:

    Update: Hey Chef, made this salmon dish tonight and it turned out fantastic. Easy to make, and the "gastric" was a flavor bomb 💣 ! I enjoy salmon often but I'd always pan fry and finish in the oven with sliced lemon. This is a whole new experience that was easy, quick, and 💣 on the old taste buds 👍

  7. Evelyn Craft
    Evelyn Craft says:

    I LOVE salmon, and this recipe looks fabulous!! Wish I could get some super Fresh salmon! Not readily available here in Arkansas (that I know of!). I grew up in FL, and we always had fresh fish! Miss that!

  8. Laser- Ray
    Laser- Ray says:

    Just wow. I wish there was a love button instead of like. I have to admit, I added a little butter to the sauce at the end to make it silky and luxurious 🙂
    Thank you for another favorite!


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