Pan Pizza – You Suck at Cooking (episode-134)

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25 replies
  1. Elisa Rosenberger
    Elisa Rosenberger says:

    I LOVE the video frame sequence around 2:25 where you cut the green pepper one cube at a time! I stopped the video immediately just to post this… that's how much I love it!

    I always laugh throughout your videos.

    Editted to add this comment: And basically, don't use a rolling pin with pizza dough – it'll ruin the yeast to be clear.

  2. Drak Dragon
    Drak Dragon says:

    Aging your pizza dough for a few days in the fridge is great, make sure you put it in a glass bowl because plastic containers will try to steal your olive oil when you aren't looking. Also make sure your containment cell is big enough to handle the dough lifting weights and getting swole, you don't want your dough opening its container up and mingling with the ingredients in the refrigerator because that'll just make a three way love triangle that you certainly won't love discovering later on.

  3. Aleksandr
    Aleksandr says:

    I tried this recipe, prepared oven mitt to put on the pan handle and the first thing I did while putting the mitt is to grab the handle with my bare hand. Instructions unclear I guess.

  4. Max
    Max says:

    as a (non-southern-)european, yes, everyone in europe hates maths. Except for that one weird girl I went to primary school with…like holy shit she enjoyed math, she really did.


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