Overworked Mom Devotion | Homestead WEEKEND In The Life | Home Decor | HOMESTEAD TOUR

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ALL THE THINGS today! Cook with me, recipes including a GLUTEN FREE angel food cake, Sourdough pizza crust, taco soup, …

45 replies
  1. Mountain Homeschool Homestead Family
    Mountain Homeschool Homestead Family says:

    CHAPTERS IN DESCRIPTION! In this video I have an Azure Haul, cook with me recipes including a GLUTEN FREE angel food cake, Sourdough pizza crust, taco soup, Italian zabaglione, Godly Mothering and heart training clips (so you'll know you are NOT THE ONLY ONE dealing with all the mom things), family laundry solutions I found, a devotional for overworked mama's, and home decor on a budget (thrift scores).

  2. Gretel Kettle
    Gretel Kettle says:

    I’m all about decorating with Goodwill and plants, too! 😄 Plus wooden floors/walls and gorgeous, green country views out the windows doesn’t hurt. 😉

    We started with cows when we bought our homestead in 2011. Some years later we switched to goats. We love them! We have 5 in milk now that 2 of our older children take turns milking. I actually just taught our 15 yr old son how to trim their hooves today. 🙂
    Awesome and wonderful video, I enjoyed it very much. 😊😊

  3. Raquel Hiller— Women Living Torah
    Raquel Hiller— Women Living Torah says:

    Obviously, you’re further in the motherhood journey than me, but I want to encourage you to keep up the training!! 🤗 They do soak in more than it may seem in the moment, at times. 😛

    I like to really encourage my children that they are helping our family AND themselves, and they are an IMPORTANT part of the family. We are a team that works together! YHVH has given us to each other to be family— that means we’re companions, we’re helpers, we create a life together!

    This past week has seemed to be a BREAKTHROUGH with my children (ages 4-8)! Praise GOD!! We have had some extra obligations, and I have asked them to do MUCH more than usual. There’s been MINIMAL complaining and grumbling, and one morning, I woke up after a particularly exhausting night helping my husband deliver twin lambs, and they had sneakily cleaned the bathroom, living room, kitchen (washing the dishes AND organizing our scrubbers, they were excited to show me), set a fancy complete table, AND made breakfast (just oatmeal, but WOW!!). I was SHOCKED and SOOOO thankful!! And they were super pleased with themselves. It’s not been that ‘extra’ any other days, (so don’t get the idea that I have super-kids), but it was just like, ‘Oh thank you, God! YOU’RE faithful to complete the good work in my children!!’ 🙏

  4. Raquel Hiller— Women Living Torah
    Raquel Hiller— Women Living Torah says:

    Uh oh! I already started wearing mix matched socks, and I’m only on number 3! 😂 😂

    (Making comments as I go through your video since it’s longer and covers so many topics. I know it’s a lot of notifications for you, but the YT algorithm likes it! 😜)

  5. Raquel Hiller— Women Living Torah
    Raquel Hiller— Women Living Torah says:

    Thrift stores are the BEST because you find one of kind type treasures that match your style and tastes. Your home won’t look like anyone else’s when you decorate from a second hand store and it’ll be super personalized. 😍 When we get out of our remodeling/rv stage, I can’t wait to pull out what I have in storage. It’s been two years at this point, and I know I’m going to love it!!

  6. YME
    YME says:

    you are one crazy lady, getting mad putting your kids online lecturing them online. Fake Christian just for youtube profits

  7. Justice Pirate
    Justice Pirate says:

    Ferns are so great. We have one that was not in good shape when we got it (also paid hardly anything for it) and now it is crazy.
    I don't know the names of most of my plants. Good for you getting things second hand. That is the way to go.
    Love the pizza. I have never made my own (my oldest brother has and is good at it though).
    I love making things from scratch and love that you do that. I am sorry about the Hashimotos.
    Haha. I have told my sons to find joy in the things we do too. Nice to hear others giving such a pep talk. I used to quote Philippians 2:14-15 to them if they seemed to not be too thankful to do things to help. Boys especially tend to zone out and half listen. They listen way better now that they are older. Do you find that to be true for you in your experience?
    Is it bad that I don't use gloves for washing dishes ever? I've been washing dishes for so long, and even had a job where I washed the dishes several times for a few years, that I just. . .like feeling the water and the items rather than having a smell of rubber left on my hands even after washing them. Your gloves look nice going up the arm that way though!
    My mom used to make angel food cake when I was a kid, but not since. I have never tried it. I should get her recipe. I love that fluffy taste it gives.
    Do you guys live near the beach?
    Karaoke is so much fun! How cute!
    Little House on the Prairie skirts for life! hehe.
    I'm very much into popcorn. Before being pregnant this time around, I was eating it sometimes 4 times a week!

    Sorry I type so much (I comment while watching every time).

  8. D. L. Bard
    D. L. Bard says:

    I love the tea tins you have. You could collect elderberries, dry them and store them in the tins for tea to be used at a later date. The same with cone flower, mullein leaf, lemon balm leaf and much more. I also reuse tins like those for buttons, straight pins and other sewing notions. 💞

  9. Barbara Peterson
    Barbara Peterson says:

    Cooking from scratch is the only way to go…I cook from scratch everyday…and today Memorial day all from scratch…Fast food does not treat us well; so we stay away from it! Not sure what they put in it; however, the only food tolerated is Burger King…and that is far and in between…Cheaper to eat at home too…

  10. DebraG
    DebraG says:

    I like to buy outdated planners on clearance and white out the dates and relate them. I just bought 4 real nice planners at hobby lobby for 1.50 each 😉 or if you’re picky you can use date dots to cover the dates. I’m not picky lol. Put scrapbook paper around the tins and fill them with homemade candy or treats for Christmas gifts.

  11. Jennifer Hall
    Jennifer Hall says:

    You mentioned that women ask you why you cook from scratch. That's sad. Women have lost the art of cooking and the love and meaning behind doing it. Husband's and children LOVE home cooked meals. It's comforting and even now, my adult children will frequently ask me for recipes on meals I used to make when they were young. It makes me happy when they do. Another thing that makes me happy is when I make homemade food and they grab seconds ❤

  12. Rachel Brokaw
    Rachel Brokaw says:

    This is my favorite one of yours yet. Love the simple and transparent interactions with your family. I have Hashimotos and thyroid issues too and I am exhausted all the time. Then guilty for feeling so worn out all the time. Your videos are lovely and so encouraging. Thank you for letting us into your special world 🧡🙏

  13. Lindsay Marie
    Lindsay Marie says:

    Depending on your area, yard sales are great too. I've been needing a pet carrier for my rabbits and fb has had them for 10 or more. I went to a few yard sales on a whim Friday and found a great condition pet carrier for a DOLLAR! I'm definitely going to try and yard sale more this summer.
    I love your decor and plants. I wish my plants would be a happy looking as yours. But we just don't get that much sun in the windows unfortunately

  14. Alesha Lipsky
    Alesha Lipsky says:

    Enjoyed seeing the great laughter and silliness in your home. My oldest is going to be in high school the coming year and then I will have one in middle school, two in elementary, and a preschooler- It was so great to see all of your family doing things together. We are like that too, we don't really see that. I am really enjoy the variety in the videos. The cooking along with lots of other things is really wonderful. I know that the cooking from scratch is making a difference for our family too. There are many times that it overwhelms me…but I wouldn't change it. I feel so good knowing what my family eats. I find a lot of joy baking and cooking for them (and myself)!!! Its great to see you so happy. You are looking very settled in your home

  15. Jamie Clements
    Jamie Clements says:

    I have hashimotos and thyroid issues. I have done nothing but gain weight since I was diagnosed. It's hard for me to lose weight and I have just given up and try to be content. The good news is that I don't have diabetes, high cholesterol, etc. which runs in my family. I also don't seem to have the stamina to exercise like I used to. I help my hubby on our homestead and farm and that is a lot of physical work but I don't have a formal exercise routine. My energy is not there. Any advice?

  16. Clarissa Hulet
    Clarissa Hulet says:

    Great video! Love the country setting you live in. I hope to have something like that someday and you are giving lots of encouragement!
    I was also a student of the school of natural healing. I got the whole program years ago but only got halfway through before marriage and kids came along! I've had to shelf it but hope to finish it one day. What I've learned has been really helpful. I'm also going to check out azure standard. I'm really curious now. Thanks for sharing everything! ❤

  17. Roots And Arrows Homestead
    Roots And Arrows Homestead says:

    This is such a wonderful video! I loved seeing more of your home decor and the views of your property! It really is such a dream of mine to be out in the country.
    I especially loved how you spoke with your kiddos about the laundry. I try to speak to my littles like that. My oldest 2 are only 4 and 3 though…
    This was the perfect way to end my day.
    Your family is such an inspiration ❤

  18. Dora Leyva
    Dora Leyva says:

    I simply love your videos, doing your every day life things. I to have hashimoto's and I would a recipe on gluten free sour dough bread. Thank you for sharing your life and family. God bless you greatly.🕊❤


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