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The book just came out today! You can get it here: https://www.amazon.com/dp/1736684701?ref=exp_chefaj_dp_vv_d Judi Finneran started her career as a …

24 replies
  1. Eloise Pharr
    Eloise Pharr says:

    I can so relate to what Judy experienced by not being able to do something the second time. I did okay the first time I did Optifast, but never could do it again even though I tried a few times.

  2. Margaret D
    Margaret D says:

    If people want a large variety of foods, grow a garden of vegetables and fruits! Home-grown vegetables taste SO different from what you buy in the store. Hate tomatoes? I understand! You've probably eaten tomatoes from the store. Grow an heirloom tomato and you'll be in shock for a week! Tastes nothing like that tasteless orb from the store! Corn on the cob? To have great corn, you need to put the water on to boil first – then run out and get a few ears of corn out of the garden, shuck them, and pop them in the water for a couple minutes. It's ambrosia! The corn hasn't turned to starch. The same is true of other vegetables. Try it! You will have a big smile on your face, I promise.

  3. Sheila B
    Sheila B says:

    Wow! She looks amazing! I'm on round 2 with a plant based diet. The first time I lost 60 pounds on the McDougall Program and was the picture of health for 5 years. I let Dr. convince me to add back in meat when I was pregnant with my youngest son and anemic. 18 years and 100 pounds later, I've had enough. This talk is so encouraging for me!

    ETA: The McDougall program cured my infertility. After struggling to get pregnant for 5 years, we had our last 2 sons. Dr. McDougall told me that studies show obesity leads to infertility and they see a lot of babies after people go vegan.

  4. Missy
    Missy says:

    That woman is 70!!! My mind is officially blown. I mean really… WTF!!! Gooood for you Judi! I guess loving animals really pays off! (PS: how wonderful for sticking to your plant-based house even when your kids were young and you’re facing a lot of opposition)

  5. Mandy M
    Mandy M says:

    I enjoyed your conversation with Judi so much, I'm going to watch the video again right now ❤️ I'll keep an eye out for the Kindle version of her book 😉👍


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