Our Homemade Fruit Vinegars and Homemade Pantry Dry mixes!

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34 replies
  1. Annie A.
    Annie A. says:

    I like learning to make the dry mixes. I'd like to learn how to make more dressings for lettuce salads. Like French, thousand island, etc. My hubby likes a creamy french but the ingredients are awful so I'd like to learn how to make them. For the vinegar, I just leave the fruit or whatever in until I'm ready to use it. Then I'll strain it out. U can make vinegar out of fruit, veggies, flowers, leaves, grass, etc pretty much anything. It depends on what ur using it for. But for cleaning, I dump whatever I have into a jar. U look beautiful. Ur hair looks especially lovely today. I was nice spending some time with u ❣

  2. Tatiana Gutierrez
    Tatiana Gutierrez says:

    Mrs Lori, there is a chef, named Chef Jean Pierre on YouTube. He says HIS hero, in cooking, is Chef Justin Wilson! I do believe that Mr Brown likes Justin Wilson also. If possible, please watch Chef Jean Pierre. HE is delightful AS YOU,Miss Lori and Mr Brown ARE!😁 MAY GOD BLESS AND LOOK AFTER YOU BOTH!
    Your Ukrainian friend,
    P.s. I thank you for ALL that you DO and TEACH!

  3. Luz Hernaez
    Luz Hernaez says:

    I just finished watching your tamale pie video. I did not know your grew up in the Houston area. And grew up near Latino communities. You mention Tripe meat. Could Mrs. Benavides be making Menudo. That soup is an all day affair. It’s enjoy during weekend or family parties. It has hominy and tripe, bones. It’s so good. And you add cilantro with green onion, and oregano. The juice of a lemon or lime. I prefer it will Bolillo bread. And other prefer corn tortillas. . You should try to make some. One day I will try your tamale pie. But I would put the masa on the bottom and the top. Any ways it looks great. 😊

  4. jlee gri
    jlee gri says:

    My favorite vinegar to make is raisin vinegar… So good. I use a small pkg of raisins and filtered water. So good I can't wait to try yours. I have about 6 jars ATM. I have made fig, raisin, date, apple, watermelon rind, and grape.

  5. Karen Sweet
    Karen Sweet says:

    Miss Lori, You are simply amazing to me. My Mama never used spices except Salt n Pepper when we was growing up bc she grew up during the Depression and with a large family, she couldn't afford it. We was poor. She didn't use spices or herbs or any kind of seasoning so I never learned how or what to use either. Now, when I was cooking for my own large family, I did use Onion Powder and Garlic Powder but not but a couple more. If I wanted to try anything different, I'd buy it. I honestly never thought about or knew I could make my own until this video. I was sitting with my mouth popped open saying, Oh my goodness! I never knew you could make Vinegars like this either. Now, I've eat some soured berries or fruits that was sitting in a bowl and it never tasted that bad to me but Mama would say, Don't eat that, it'll tear your stomach up, and yes it did! Lol. I'm just tickled pink that you made this video. I wanna make me some dry mixes n Vinegars too. Holy Buckets Miss Lori, I just love you and Mr Brown and all the things y'all make and do. My Daddy n Mama was very poor and simple hard working Georgia country people and we didn't have much of nothing but, we loved each other, appreciated and respected each other. We never knew any different. Lord I sure miss them so much. My Mamas food never lacked any flavor. It was the best. She might have done certain things or made stuff that I never knew about. I was always so busy myself. Life was hard but we never knew any difference bc that was just the way things were. Thank you again for this video. I wanted to taste that vinegar myself when Mr Brown did. Lol. I love vinegar in my green beans and I know I'd love the different vinegarettes for salads. I love pickled foods to. Pickled Peaches is one of my favorite fruits! You are wonderful and I really appreciate all the old ways of doing things. I remember so much myself. Mr Brown reminds me so much of the way my husband was. I miss him so much and truly loved him. I've been married since I was 16 yes old and tomorrow, March 14th, I'll be 67 yrs old. Its hard to be alone. Y'all are a Blessing! Prayers and Love to yall… God Bless 🙏🙏❤❤🇺🇸🇺🇸😁😁

  6. Big Valley Living
    Big Valley Living says:

    Miss Lori, I watched this twice already! Great video! I’ve only made mock Lipton onion soup so far, but want to make the dry gravies and others.

    We tried making pineapple vinegar two times, both times using pineapple chunks. Khan yeast was a big issue. We’re going to try using a core next time. Thank you! I really enjoy learning from you!

    Matthew 5:16 – “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is heaven.”

  7. Ranch Momma
    Ranch Momma says:

    Hello Miss Lori! I am a mid west Texas lady with three babies. I am 30 years old, and I would like some wisdom from you. I’ll find that most of the time I am busy trying to live such a wholesome life without missing a beat and without missing out on every moment. But I find that I am looking for elderly traditional women to help me acknowledge for myself that staying home with my kids in my Homestead and my farm is in fact a wise decision and good for us. I love our lives, but I guess I want some reassurance from someone as amazing as you. I want to know if you look back on your mothering days and think I’m so glad I stayed home with my children. Nowadays, it’s all the Modern thing for moms to work and have your own personal goals reached. And I think that’s great and all, but as a woman, and as a mother, I would just love some wholesome reassurance that I will not regret staying home with my children. That I didn’t miss out on anything for pursuing a career. I think That this topic on pursuing a slow life has been quite popularized lately, because a lot of women are wanting to live more traditionally, and most of us have had to rewire our brains back to think about how we used to live . any thoughts on this ? I would absolutely love love love if you made a video on this.love from Texas. ❤

  8. Donna Regenauer
    Donna Regenauer says:

    Hello from KY love you and your channel and your family ❤️.I am going to make those vinegars.Had a stroke in 2007,and like to challenge myself.I made Kraut after watching you make it.Thanks for your videos.I know that anything you make will be good.💝

  9. Misha Lea
    Misha Lea says:

    Ms Lori, I put a tsp of acv in a small medicine cup with iced tea, and just shot it back or used a straw and gulped quickly. Maybe you could mix it and be able to tolerate it. I did it when I felt like I was getting acid reflux a few yrs ago, it was either that or prayer or the mix of the two, but it stopped, praise the Lord! 🙌 Blessings.💖

  10. Therese Haworth
    Therese Haworth says:

    Oh Mrs.Lori! You and Mr. Brown tickle me Soo much! I made my first herb and fruit vinegars back in 1978 when I first moved to Spokane, WA. I gave them as gifts to friends and family only to have them say “ what the f” do we do with these? So then i made a little cookbook-of family recipes.. made sure from then-on to attach tags with ideas for how to use/ enjoys homemade gifts! I ADORE your channel! Was married for 22 yrs- he dumped me for his younger secretary – met Rich we lived as partners for 20 Yrs- he passed in a tragic accident/ snow storm 4/11/21. You have No idea how much Joy and comfort your channel brings to me- Ill be 70 05/04/23- May the 4th be with you both 🙂

  11. Irasema Biggs
    Irasema Biggs says:

    Hello, I love watching you and your husband. You didn't put vinegar in the jar with the fruit? I am a little confuse… I thought you had to put vinegar. I never seen it made. Love your videos. Blessings

  12. Darlene Anglin
    Darlene Anglin says:

    Where can we find those beveled jars with the silicone or plastic lids ? I searched all over your amazon store but didn’t find them? The one that you mixed up the vinaigrette in ! TIA


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