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Welcome back everyone! Today we are sharing another day at home with us on our homestead! #largefamilylove #homesteading …

24 replies
  1. Susan Fortune
    Susan Fortune says:

    You made me hungry for that garlic toast. Today was our 25th wedding anniversary and my husband insisted on going out. I haven’t been out to a restaurant for 2 years! We’ve had take out but not physically in one. Love seeing how Wilder can’t wait for dad to get in from work. That’s just so sweet.

  2. H LeMier
    H LeMier says:

    Good Monday evening! Aww I hope yall had a great first day of homeschool! Yummy dinner and that pool looks wonderful! Thanks for sharing your wonderful family!❤❤❤

  3. Eagle
    Eagle says:

    Okay so it's obvious I LOVE your channel and watch you every morning, BUT…can you not play that song "it's going to be a fine day?" Every youtuber is playing it. I prefer your other music. Sorry!! 🙂

  4. Annie Lumm
    Annie Lumm says:

    We just finished spaghetti off yesterday!! Meatballs is hubby's favorite way but I like meaty sauce so we alternate for the most part. Happy 1st day of school kids!!! I'm all caught up with ya now ❤️❤️

  5. Teddy Bear
    Teddy Bear says:

    One time my cat brought a snake in my house. I found him batting it around in my kitchen 😅. The scarry part is I ran off to find my husband and the snake disappeared somewhere in the house ☠️

  6. KendraS90
    KendraS90 says:

    Hope you have a wonderful school year! I've said before we start August 28 and I can't wait. I've been getting supplies and my homeschooling closet ready to go. These next few weeks will fly by I'm sure!

  7. Kathy Cunningham
    Kathy Cunningham says:

    Good morning Tiffany
    First best wishes for a wonderful school year. I know the kids will do amazing.
    Bread along with the spaghetti n meatballs look scrumptious.
    You had a visitor at the window wanting to see what the kids are learning too.
    Thanks for sharing it all. Love it.
    Have a fantastic and blessed day.

  8. Lindsey W.
    Lindsey W. says:

    Good Monday morning, Today is our first day of our homeschool year. Its an easy day today just discussing our goals, going over what we'll be learning this year, and writing about the best part of summer vacation etc. Hope you have a fantastic day. 😊

  9. Mrs. Alma Trumble
    Mrs. Alma Trumble says:

    This Monday morning reminds you are incredible, powerful, and capable of anything. So free your mind from past worries, and believe you will have a Beautiful day. Have a Beautiful and Blessed day and week. See you next video. Stay safe and healthy. God Bless.


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