Opening My New Instant Pot!

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My son Eric gave this to me for Christmas and it took me such a long time to get around to opening it and using it! I’m so excited …

22 replies
  1. joed596
    joed596 says:

    Good for you, Sarah . . . and kudos to Eric for his gift selection! I'm not much of a cook, but I do have a lady friend that I regularly see over lunch (her name is Marie Callender 😉). Thanks for your video and wish you lots of good times and meals! Do you plan on doing regular cooking videos in the future? 🤔 Thumbs up as always, Joe 👍🇺🇸

  2. Lissanne
    Lissanne says:

    This was a very sweet gift from your son. I got one of these for Christmas, but haven't used it yet. I have been collecting recipes though. Mostly chicken stuff. 🐔 You can find recipes on YouTube. Have a lot of fun with your new toy, Sarah.

  3. William Mac
    William Mac says:

    Thumbs up to your kids for buying you this. I love my digital pressure cooker that I bought at Walmart about 2 years ago. I do canning in it and cook large amounts of chili stroganoff and spaghetti sauce. I do probably 6 months of food over about 3 days then just store it in the cupboard. I'm not sure about this particular air fryer but I watched a video the other day about frying chicken in an air fryer. The person had bought a separate rack that raises it up above the slots at the bottom. You can have coded fried chicken or fish that turns out just like deep fried without all the oil. She did spray it with canola oil though and it turned out very crispy. She turned it throughout the cooking process but I swear it turned out looking just like deep fried fish or chicken. You need to place a small rack into the air frying cylinder that puts the food in the middle. Hope you understand in this helps.

  4. M Laker
    M Laker says:

    Okay so not kidding you.. so 2 nights ago i almost got an air fryer, and i watched over an hour of a youtuber expert on it named Fabulously Frugal … highly recommended. I decided against the emeril one on sale and went went an 18 dollar slow cooker bc i didn't even have that, lol. But what's crazy is I'm putting your video on while I'm cross stitching, AND my phone was dead, and I'm like talking to the TV saying "you can put more wings in bc they shrink!" And and the other things I learned. And also maybe you preheat before putting them in. This lady on YouTube tested 5 or 6 of them side by side. But the final crazy thing is, the connection bc when you got your colonoscopy so did I, LOL


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