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49 replies
  1. Doobydobap
    Doobydobap says:

    What differentiates this French toast from other recipes is this: burnt butter.

    You may have heard about brown butter, but burnt butter might be unfamiliar to many. Itā€™s basically what the name suggests: butter thatā€™s been burnt. And when pairing with sweet desserts, this is a trick I love to use because the bitterness from the burnt butter balances out the flavors. The smokiness and the added depth create another dimension to the dish that could often fall flat as just being sweetā€¦ period.

    So, give this a try for those who want to elevate their Sunday morning brunch and impress your date/partner! Or if youā€™re single, you deserve it, man.

    Recipe here:

  2. Sana Iqbal
    Sana Iqbal says:

    Why do you have a negative pov on life topics everytime!?
    It's always about how long distance doesn't work, why I can't be friends, why online dating doesn't work… Why!?

    I know you think you're trying to be realistic.. but it's plain negative blant on food videos.

  3. Amit
    Amit says:

    Wait though you told us in a video a man has come to you to start a non long distance relationship. Could be cool to hear how you met, if you'd like. May be worth doing something similar

  4. BmBly
    BmBly says:

    I agree with you because you need good looks and a nice personality. A combination of both is the best way to be and those are most peopleā€™s requirements when finding a significant other.

  5. Daaafingƶr
    Daaafingƶr says:

    The butter is rostet to much. The best way is to wisk the butter on high temperature till the butter is not boiling any more (the air above the butter is not hot anymor). Than you can stop where you want but the best way (for me) is to stop till it gets slightly brown and smells nutty.

  6. Sara Ahmed Dogar
    Sara Ahmed Dogar says:

    I have the same views tbh. If it's mere looks that the other person has, I don't feel an ounce of attraction towards them and it's never the priority, no matter how good looking. But then again, people judge you for not judging OTHERS by their looks.šŸ¤”

  7. Lauren Nicole
    Lauren Nicole says:

    I am always scared by how big her mouth gets when she takes a bite. I hate watching ppl eat so this may be what everyone looks like but I always turn away cuz I hate hearing ppl chew

  8. Lisa R
    Lisa R says:

    Online dating always worked for me. Yes, there are a lot of weirdos online and tons of ppl looking for just casual hookups and flings but through experience Iā€™ve learned to weed them out and only talk to those that are looking for the same things I am.

    Tbh, you need to have a no bs mentality if you wanna be successful in online dating. You canā€™t entertain ppl who donā€™t want the same things as you do for too long and need to cut them off as soon as you find out they donā€™t. It just comes with experience I guess. Two of my past relationships and even my current relationship is with someone I met online. And my current relationship is probably the healthiest and best relationship Iā€™ve had. Itā€™s going strong so far šŸ’ŖšŸ¼

    The only thing with online dating is that you need to make sure that thereā€™s an end to everything staying ā€œonlineā€. You need to actually meet the person youā€™re talking to one day irl. It needs to transition into an actual irl relationship at some point. Otherwise, who knows you might be getting catfished and wasting so much time.


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