ONE POT Instant Pot Chicken Alfredo Pasta

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We have had a lot of Chicken Alfredo in our lives, but this one is my favorite! I especially love how easy it is to make!!! You can make everything in one pot so you …

39 replies
  1. ysbel Bella
    ysbel Bella says:

    You ladies are 2 for 2!! I made instant pot chili yesterday & this chicken alfredo today & my family absolutely loved it!! Best of all dinner is on the table in under an hour every time. Im so glad I found your channel!!

  2. алексей швырков
    алексей швырков says:

    Beginner's luck in that the first Roast and vegetable dish went perfectly The second meal using a sauce from William Sonoma needed to be finished in a pan because the Instant Pot issued a Burn warning with the 5 beeps – still delicious when done – conclusion – not enough liquid. Third dish was also a William Sonoma sauce and I added water and all went well with the Pressure Cooking but there was too much water so had to boil down to get back to the sauce. I'll keep working on it!

  3. Tb B
    Tb B says:

    If you are using gluten free or quinoa, chick pea pasta etc for these recipes how much time would you cook it for? ( even if you haven’t used it) to prevent it from getting all mushy? It’s hard to tell & Mine always comes out mushy?? Also read it’s hard to cook gluten free pasta with sauces comes out gluey

  4. Tb B
    Tb B says:

    If you are using gluten free or quinoa, chick pea pasta etc for these recipes how much time would you cook it for? ( even if you haven’t used it) to prevent it from getting all mushy? It’s hard to tell & Mine always comes out mushy?? Also read it’s hard to cook gluten free pasta with sauces comes out gluey

  5. Ashley Ashley
    Ashley Ashley says:

    Made this tonight. My family thought it was more akin to Mac and cheese but who cares, ‘twas super easy and quite delicious. Such s great jumping off point. Next time I’m trying it with cheddar cheese. P.S. this really makes 12 oz. of pasta go a loooong way. 👍👍😎

  6. lady hay baler
    lady hay baler says:

    I told my picky husband I was making this and he said "that's fine I'll find something for me to eat". I made it and he tried it and ate several helpings. Thanks for the recipe. It's picky husband approved. Take care ❤


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