One Pot Chickpea Curry – Alkaline Vegan Chickpea Curry

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chickpeacurry This Chickpea Curry is creamy and pillow soft! Chickpea curry for alkaline vegans is something I never thought I’d …

15 replies
  1. S3L
    S3L says:

    Made this and it lasted for 2-3 days, also made some spelt flatbread to go along with it. First time cooking chickpeas (Apart for hummus which I love) and this tasted 10/10, I also added some Cilantro which really added to the flavours. Thank you for the recipe!

  2. Lisa Smith
    Lisa Smith says:

    Hey Manny!!…This is one of my favorite go to meals but I've never done it with this depth of flavor…Ill try it and hit you back with the results!!..Thanks for sharing as usual!!!

  3. Novel Teas
    Novel Teas says:

    Looks delish. I have been on the hunt for a few years now to find the yellow, black, and red chickpeas. I found brown chickpeas, so far. My mission is to share and show others. A healthier option that taste phenomenal. I wish I could show you what I made with the brown chickpeas. Keep up the awesomeness.


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