One Pot Cheesy Taco Pasta | Quick + Easy Pantry Recipe

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50 replies
  1. Jane Byrne
    Jane Byrne says:

    Thank goodness for Trader Joe's! Until this lockdown is over and things start going back to normal, I can find just about anything I need there! They even told me that if I needed TP, that I should be there when it opens (8 am). But what I also love is the fact that they are serious about practicing social distancing. I have always preferred Trader Joe's before all this, but I absolutely love this store now! I know that this won't last forever, and that by the second half of the year we would be back at some kind of normalcy. But once this is finally past us, I wonder how many area yard sales will have hand sanitizer, Lysol wipes and TP for sale! Or if kids ask a few years down the road, "Grandma, why do you have so much toilet paper?"

    Patience, everyone. This too shall pass. In the meantime, eat more fruits and veggies. Has anyone else noticed that you can't find Charmin or frozen pizza, but can find enough apples and broccoli to feed yourself for a month?

  2. Penny Wright
    Penny Wright says:

    I can't wait to try this recipe out! Do you have a link to where you bought your pan from? I've been looking for something about that size and I love the color of it!

  3. Fee A.
    Fee A. says:

    I just cooked this and omg my family is IN LOVE! It was really easy to cook and super delicious. Thank you so much & much love from Germany 💕

  4. Ashlie Rivera
    Ashlie Rivera says:

    Made this tonight with one diced chicken breast instead of ground meat. Turned out pretty good, next time I will add more spices, but for a quick quarantine meal it was a win!


    If I omit beef and keep it vegetarian then what are the other options . Mushrooms will get overcooked once the pasta is cooked.if nothing put to replace beef all other proportions remain same ? Stay safe tc and great thanks

  6. Sarah F
    Sarah F says:

    I sent this video to my hubby and he made it for dinner tonight! It's sooo good! We used ground turkey intead of ground beef and mozza instead of cheddar (we were out) and he added some diced tomatoes. Delish! Thank you!

  7. Pyliah
    Pyliah says:

    This sounds amazing. I can't wait to try to make it for my family. Do you think it would change the flavour too much if I used chicken broth instead (I almost never have beef broth)? Thanks for posting it!

  8. El Blog de Carameli
    El Blog de Carameli says:

    I love your channel and your recipes, but I'm Mexican and I really don't understand why people use the word taco in the wrong way. Taco is a dish that is served in a corn tortilla, and it can be anything not just beef. What makes your food a TACO is the tortilla. Stop using the name of the dishes in the wrong way, you make people misunderstand the culture behind Tacos. Your dish is just pasta with beef and that's ok, but it is definitely not tacos. Is not the first video where they say taco-something and is just beef and cheese. Your recipe is delicious but the name is just wrong.


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