Once-A-Month GROCERY HAUL OCTOBER for our LARGE FAMILY || First Fall grocery haul + 4 STORES

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Today is our Once-A-Month Grocery haul for our large family of 7! We shopped till we dropped… 4 hours worth of shopping!

32 replies
  1. Jean Lujan
    Jean Lujan says:

    I love how people will stand there and buy the expensive butterfly chops but will buy the tenderloin which is exact same thing just uncut I buy one of those every month next month I’m buying an extra one I have one down for growth and make barbecue pork Carnitas and I’m gonna take the other one and have them cut it in to chops

  2. CheesyMoose1
    CheesyMoose1 says:

    When my siblings and I were young, my sister would ONLY eat chicken. So every meat became a variation of chicken. We had pork chicken, steak chicken, brisket chicken, etc. You name it and my parents called it chicken.

  3. amichael0323
    amichael0323 says:

    Speaking of deodorant, try lemons for deodorant! Seriously it sounds crazy but it lasts me like 48 hours I tested it lol. I too switch between natural and regular deodorant.

  4. Kelly Stokes
    Kelly Stokes says:

    So funny… when my son was younger in order to get him to eat… I would tell him everything was chicken nuggets…prime rib….tacos…everything….and he would eat it!

  5. Deidre Cruickshank
    Deidre Cruickshank says:

    I just wash it at home, put my whole piece of ginger in the freezer, and just grate it as I need it straight from the frozen piece. Not sure if it loses its taste a little if it's already grated before you freeze it?

  6. Heather Kissick
    Heather Kissick says:

    I love your shopping videos, and having your dad there is the best!! I just can't get over the price of fruit and veg in American. Here in Northern Ireland the fruit/veg seems to be a lot cheap and with everything going up in price that's saying something. Just for reference a cucumber or red pepper is about £0.49 each here which is roughly $0.55 for you. Thank you!!


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